
2022-05-20 05:19:19




  Newton developed mathematical concepts and techniques that are fundamental to modern calculus.

  Leibniz developed closely analogous concepts and techniques.

  It has traditionally been thought that these discoveries were independent.

  Researchers have, however, recently discovered notes of Leibniz’ that discuss one of Newton’s books on mathematics.

  Several scholars have argued that since the book includes a presentation of Newton’s calculus concepts and techniques, and since the notes were written before Leibniz’ own development of calculus concepts and techniques, it is virtually certain that the traditional view is false. (evidence that has been used to support a conclusion that the historian criticizes)

  A more cautious conclusion than this is called for, however.

  Leibniz’ notes are limited to early sections of Newton’s book, sections that precede the ones in which Newton’s calculus concepts and techniques are presented. (evidence offered in support of the historian’s own position)


  Although the earliest surviving

  (the position that the argument seeks to establish)

  Significantly, the text of these earliest surviving GREek inscriptions sometimes runs from right to left and sometimes from left to right.

  (Evidence in support of the position that the argument seeks to establish)

  Now, the GREeks learned alphabetic writing from the Phoenicians, and in the process they would surely have adopted whatever convention the Phoenicians were then using with respect to the direction of writing.

  (presents an assumption on which that argument relies. )

  Originally, Phoenician writing ran in either direction, but by the eighth century B.C. it had been consistently written from right to left for about two centuries.
