
2022-06-04 03:32:15


  6. Historian: Alexander the Great should not be judged by appeal to current notions of justice. Alexander, an ancient figure of heroic stature, should be judged by the standards of his own culture. That is, did he live up to his culture’s ideals of leadership? Did Alexander elevate the contemporary standards of justice? Was he, in his day, judged to be a just and wise ruler?

  Student: But you cannot tell whether or not Alexander raised the contemporary standards of justice without invoking standards other than those of his own culture.

  Which one of the following argumentative strategies does the student use in responding to the historian?

  (A) arguing that applying the historian’s principle would require a knowledge of the past that is necessarily inaccessible to current scholarship

  (B) attempting to undermine the historian’s principle by showing that some of its consequences are inconsistent with each other

  (C) showing that the principle the historian invokes, when applied to Alexander, does not justify the assertion that he was heroic

  (D) questioning the historian’s motivation for determining whether a standard of behavior has been raised or lowered

  (E) claiming that one of the historian’s criteria for judging Alexander is inconsistent with the principle that the historian has advanced

  Questions 7-8

  Two paleontologists, Dr Tyson and Dr. Rees, disagree over the interpretation of certain footprints that were left among other footprints in hardened volcanic ash at site G. Dr. Tyson claims they are clearly early hominid footprints since they show human characteristics: a squarish heel and a big toe immediately adjacent to the next toe. However, since the footprints indicate that if hominids made those prints they would have had to walk in an unexpected cross-stepping manner, by placing the left foot to the right of the right foot. Dr. Rees rejects Dr. Tyson’s conclusion.

  7. The disagreement between the two paleontologists is over which one of the following?

  (A) the relative significance of various aspects of the evidence

  (B) the assumption that early hominid footprints are distinguishable from other footprints

  (C) the possibility of using the evidence of footprints to determine the gait of the creature that made those footprints

  (D) the assumption that evidence from one paleontologic site is enough to support a conclusion

  (E) the likelihood that early hominids would have walked upright on two feet

  8. Which one of the following, if true, most seriously undermines Dr. Tyson’s conclusion?

  (A) The foot prints showing human characteristics were clearly those of at least two distinct individuals.

  (B) Certain species of bears had feet very like human feet, except that the outside toe on each foot was the biggest toe and the innermost toe was the smallest toe.

  (C) Footprints shaped like a human’s that do not show a cross-stepping pattern exist at site M, which is a mile away from site G, and the two sets of footprints are contemporaneous.

  (D) When the moist volcanic ash became sealed under additional layers of ash before hardening, some details of some of the footprints were erased.

  (E) Most of the other footprints at site G were of animals with hooves.

  9. It is not known whether bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), a disease of cattle invariably deadly to them, can be transmitted directly from one infected animal to another at all stages of the infection. If it can be, there is now a reservoir of infected cattle incubating the disease. There are no diagnostic tests to identify infected animals before the animals show overt symptoms. Therefore, if such direct transmission occurs, the disease cannot be eradicated by______

  Which one of the following best completes the argument?

  (A) removing from the herd and destroying any diseased animal as soon as it shows the typical symptoms of advanced BSE

  (B) developing a drug that kills the agent that cause BSE, and then treating with that drug all cattle that might have the disease

  (C) destroying all cattle in areas where BSE occurs and raising cattle only in areas to which BSE is known not to have spread

  (D) developing a vaccine that confers lifelong immunity against BSE and giving it to all cattle, destroying in due course all those animals for which the vaccine protection came too late

  (E) developing a diagnostic test that does identify any infected animal and destroying all animals found to be infected

  10. Auto industry executive: Statistics show that cars that were built smaller after 1977 to make them more fuel-efficient had a higher incidence of accident-related fatalities than did their earlier larger counterparts. For this reason we oppose recent guidelines that would require us to produce cars with higher fuel efficiency.

  Which of the following, if true, would constitute the strongest objection to the executive’s argument?

  (A) Even after 1977, large automobiles were frequently involved in accidents that caused death or serious injury.

  (B) Although fatalities in accidents involving small cars have increased since 1977, the number of accidents has decreased.

  (C) New computerized fuel systems can enable large cars to meet fuel efficiency standards established by the recent guidelines.

  (D) Modern technology can make small cars more fuel-efficient today than at any other time in their production history.

  (E) Fuel efficiency in models of large cars rose immediately after 1977 but has been declining ever since.
