
2022-05-28 07:26:47


  The United States is not usually thought of as a nation of parakeet lovers. Yet in a census of parakeet owners in selected comparable countries, the United States ranked second, with eleven parakeet owners per hundred people. The conclusion can be drawn from this that people in the United States are more likely to own parakeets than are people in most other countries.

  Knowledge of which of the following would be most useful in judging the accuracy of the conclusion?

  (A) The number of parakeets in the United States.

  (B) The number of parakeet owners in the United States

  (C) The number of parakeet owners per hundred people in the country that ranked first in the census

  (D) The number of parakeet owners in the United States compared to the numbers of owners of other pet birds in the United States

  (E) The number of parakeet owners per hundred people in the countries not included in the census.

  明确题意以后,我们首先需要明确那里是本题的结论与前提,本题结论的前提为“美国每一百人中拥有长尾鹦鹉的人数在进行比较的国家中处于第二位,结论为:相比较而言,美国人更加喜欢饲养长尾鹦鹉。在由前提向结论的推理过程中,考生往往会忽略一点,即结论中的most other countries除包括“selected comparable countries”还应包括那些没有进行比较的国家,因此我们在判断结论是否正确以前,还必须知道那些没有参与过此调查的国家的状况是怎样的。所以E为正确选项。



  1.Which one of the following is the most accurate evaluation of the author's reply?

  2.Which one of the following principles, if valid, justifies the author's argument?

  3.Which one of the following would it be most helpful to know in order to evaluate the argument?

  4.The answer to which of the following questions is least directly relevant to the union leader’s consideration of whether attempting a of Gasco will lead to acceptance of their contract proposal?

  5.Which of the following investigation is most likely to yield significant information that would help to evaluate the researcher’s hypothesis?
