
2022-06-03 22:20:41

  雅思OGtest5听力section1听力原文题目及答案解析【附MP3音频】!雅思OGtest5听力section1第一题正确答案为white ,具体的解题关键词分词以及解题思路详见雅思OGtest5听力section1听力原文题目及答案解析【附MP3音频】正文介绍。

  Question 1


  定位原文:Yes - it's black but not exactly plain black - it has some narrow stripes down it, sort of grey. Actually - no, they're white now I think about it.

  解题思路:let's start with a description of the suitcase…How about the colour? 提示下文即将谈论行李箱的颜色,因为题目的标题和答题样例已经提示main item就是suitcase,所以可以确定要描述的对象就是suitcase,而对话者第一句的回答只描述了形状是small,所以要继续向下定位到对颜色的阐述,定位到Yes - it's black … I think about it. 考生听到narrow strips时可能会直接填写narrow,但是最后说话者说明了这个箱子的条纹是白色条纹,就一定要写下white,相比于窄条纹来说,为了更容易的找到箱子,白色条纹更加有辨识度。一定要注意把对话者所作的回答听完整,填写最佳的答案。

  Question 2



  So, they're for your office?

  That's right。

  解题思路:I had a big bunch of keys in there. 提示下文即将讨论关于这串钥匙的细节。定位到Yes. I had a big bunch of keys in there.然后女士解释了她的助手会去配钥匙这件事,my assistant manager has an identical set so she’s going out this morning to get some copies made,再次定位到问问题的人问的So, they're for your office? 女士回答说That's right。可以确定这串钥匙是office keys。a set of是对a bunch of的同义转述,形容钥匙都表示“一串”;identical,一样的;make copies of keys,配钥匙。

  Question 3


  定位原文:I haven’t even taken it out of the box yet, is a camera I just bought.

  解题思路:I haven’t even taken it out of the box yet 提示下文将讨论到盒子里的东西。定位到下面的is a camera I just bought. 注意提到camera是在box之后,而不是像题目里的box之前,所以要把句子听完整。

  Question 4


  定位原文:Oh, let me think. I had an umbrella. It was black, no blue.

  解题思路:Was there anything else? 提示下文将讨论到蓝色的物品是什么,定位到Oh, let me think. I had an umbrella. It was black, no blue。注意这里umbrella是在blue之前出现的,同时注意回答者只用了no blue来表达了no it was not black but blue的意思,一定要把句子完整的听完,并注意这种答案出现的句子方式。

  Question 5

  答案:13th May/13 May/thirteenth May/May 13/May 13th/May thirteenth

  定位原文:That’s right. In the afternoon - around 2 pm, maybe 2.30. OK. So that'd be May the 13th .

  解题思路:So it was yesterday, was it? 提示下文将讨论行李丢失的具体时间和日期,定位到下一句That’s right. In the afternoon - around 2 pm, maybe 2.30.OK. So that'd be May the 13th。注意这里日期只说一遍,听清后要马上记下来。

  Question 6


  定位原文:So you were coming from the airport, I presume.

  解题思路:Yes. I was heading to Highbury. That's where I live. 提示下文将讨论出打电话的人是从哪里出发的,定位到 So you were coming from the airport, I presume. Yes。注意这里是先说的目的地Highbury,后说的出发地airport。I presume是“我认为,我猜想”的意思,回答者用yes做了肯定的回答,所以出发地就是机场。travel from是对come from的同义转述。

  Question 7


  定位原文:and I couldn’t be bothered so I decided to take a taxi eventually. That’s where I must have left it.

  解题思路:And how were you travelling when you lost your property? I mean, what kind of transport were you using? 提示下文将讨论到行李丢的时候旅行者所使用的交通工具。定位到and I couldn’t be bothered so I decided to take a taxi eventually. That’s where I must have left it. 注意这道题的关键词taxi是在回答的最后才出现的,前面的train是干扰答案,所以做这一道题的时候,要耐心听和记不同的交通工具名称,在听到回答结束后选取正确答案填写。

  Question 8


  定位原文:Yes. It's Lisa Docherty. I'll spell that for you. It's D-O-C-H-E-R-T-Y.

  解题思路:Can I have your full name, please? 提示下文将讨论女士的姓名,定位到Yes. It's Lisa Docherty. I'll spell that for you. It's D-O-C-H-E-R-T-Y。在听到D-O-C-H-E-R-T-Y后要马上写下来,因为听力只念一遍。full name,全名。

  Question 9


  定位原文:It’s number 15A River Road - and that’s Highbury, as I said.

  解题思路:And next, if I could have your address - the best address to send you the property if we manage to locate it? 提示下文女士将说出具体地址,定位到下一句It’s number 15A River Road - and that’s Highbury, as I said。property,财产;locate,这里是“找到某物”的意思。

  Question 10


  定位原文:I guess my mobile would be best. OK, I've got it. It's 07979605437.

  解题思路:There's just one final thing - that’s your phone number,提示下文女士将说出自己的电话号码,定位到 I guess my mobile would be best. OK, I've got it. It's 07979605437。注意这里的数字只说一遍,一定要边听数字边做笔记。 mobile, 手机。

