
2022-05-27 03:17:46

  2017年6月24日雅思听力真题答案解析!本次雅思听力考试的四段音频内容概括分别为Retullack Hostel女人咨询hostel住宿;奥克兰环境项目的内容;两个学生关于Assessed Presentation的讨论;History of Popular Music,对应的答案解析详见正文介绍。

  Section One



  内容概述:标题Retullack Hostel女人咨询hostel住宿

  填空10 :

  1. 6 bedroom house only available in July,干扰信息是 august

  2. Price in high season £ 77.50

  3. Meal included in the price breakfast,干扰信息是 lunch

  4. Cheaper if paid 1 month in advance, cheaper 的替換词是 discount

  5. Bring own towels,干扰信息是sheets,但是男的是提供所有bedding Facilities/special features

  6. Lounge with books,这些 books 是 previous guests 的

  7. Games room

  8. Internet, 7题8题注意首字母大写,因为跟它们并列的Lounge首字母大写 Activities

  9. collect shells,干扰信息是fossils,但是fossils离得更远才能捡到

  10. Hire bicycles,干扰信息是 boats

  Section Two


  题型:单选5 +配对5


  11. What is most at risk

  A beaches and seas 替換词是 shores and oceans

  12. What is unusual about Tiri project

  A it is open to the public,替换词是 everyone can visit it

  13. What can volunteers do

  C guided tour 替換词是 take the tourists around

  14. What is the main benefit

  B sense of teamwork 替换词是 sense of a larger group

  15. what can visitors bring

  C food 替换词是enough to eat


  16. Whitford island D work in water

  17. Karaw island F

  18. Little Barrier Island C removing litter

  19. North Head G planting trees

  20. Motu Island E

  Section Three



  内容概述:两个学生关于Assessed Presentation的讨论


  21. August 15th,干扰信息是16号,但16号是周六

  22. summarize或者summarise,前者美式后者英式

  23. social,干扰信息是 political

  24. Give opinion on value of books Advice

  25. must use presentation software

  26. don’t put to much information in one slide

  27. mustn’t read aloud

  28. mustn’ t use to many colors 或者 colours 前者美式后者英式 Criteria for assessment

  29. content and organization 或者 organisation 前者美式后者英式

  Other info

  Presentation will be filmed 答案说了 2 遍

  Section Four



  内容概述:History of Popular Music


  In Europe

  31. Many people moved to cities to work in factories, many people 的替換是a million

  In US

  32. Immigration played a crucial role

  33. But one common language, common 替换词是 same

  34. Resulted in new jobs, resulted in 替換是 led to

  35. Like other goods and services, music became a major industry

  36. Performers were separated from the audience

  37. Stronger appeal to the middle class,干扰是 working class

  38. Quantity of sales was important

  39. Invented system for recording music

  40. Development of a youth culture
