
2022-05-20 14:39:21

  雅思OGtest4听力section1第一题为food,题目中的The priests who made the kites had rules for size and scale是对这句话的同义转述,提示下文即将讨论到31题填空的内容。下面来看雅思OGtest4听力section1听力原文题目及答案解析【附MP3音频】完整内容。

  Question 31


  定位原文:During the preparation of both small and large kites, food was strictly forbidden.

  解题思路:There were rules, too, for the size and scale of the kites that the priests had to follow,题目中的The priests who made the kites had rules for size and scale是对这句话的同义转述,提示下文即将讨论到31题填空的内容。定位到during the preparation of both small and large kites, food was strictly forbidden。was not allowed 是对was strictly forbidden的同义转述。priest,牧师,神父;strictly,严格地;forbid,禁止,过去分词形式是forbidden.

  Question 32


  定位原文:…a native bird, or a Maori god, and sometimes, perhaps less often, a well-known hero…

  解题思路:In terms of appearance, kites were frequently designed in the image of…提示下文即将讨论到风筝具体会代表什么,定位到接下来的a native bird, or a Maori god, and sometimes, perhaps less often, a well-known hero。因为题目中说的是a bird,省去了限定词Maori,所以在填第32空的时候,省去well-known,直接写hero即可。in terms of,就…而言;well-known,知名的。

  Question 33


  定位原文:They also used a variety of feathers to add, um. colour to their creations.

  解题思路:And after the frame had been constructed, the kite then had to be decorated,提示下文即将讨论风筝架子具体是由什么装饰的,题目中的grasses是对For this the priests used long grasses, and these - when the kite was in the air - would stream along behind it。这句话的同义转述,所以为了填空, 需要定位到这句话的下一句,They also used a variety of feathers to add, um. colour to their creations。这里面的also引导的use feathers和上一句的use long grasses是形成并列关系,都是用来装饰风筝的方式。construct,构成,构建;stream,飘扬,招展。

  Question 34


  定位原文:This was because some priests liked to hang a long row of shells from the kite

  解题思路:They could be quite noisy indeed,提示下文将说明noisy的原因。定位到this was because some priests liked to hang a long row of shells from the kite。a line of (一根)是对a long row of(一行,一排)的同义转述,attached to(附在…上面)是对hang from(悬挂于…)的同义转述。 shell,贝壳。

  Question 35


  定位原文:So there were kites that were triangular, rectangular and also shaped like a diamond.

  解题思路:The kites were designed in particular shapes,提示下文将讨论风筝具体会有哪些形状。定位到so there were kites that were triangular, rectangular and also shaped like a diamond。diamond shaped(钻石形状的)是对shape like a diamond(形状像钻石的)的同义转述。

  Question 36


  定位原文:The Maori used different pigments of red and black, and these were either made from a charcoal base or from red-brown clay which had been combined with oil obtained from a local species of shark.

  解题思路:And to make these patterns,提示下文即将讨论风筝的图案是由什么做成的。定位到the Maori used … a local species of shark。注意题目问的是与泥土(clay)混合的是什么油,所以要注意听修饰oil的词或短语,这里修饰oil的是oil后边的过去分词引导的后置定语obtained from a local species of shark,即shark oil。mixed with(与混合)是对combined with(与结合)的同义转述。clay, 粘土,泥土;species, 物种;shark,鲨鱼;obtain from,从…中获取。

  Question 37


  定位原文:It’s a mask of a human head - and you can clearly see it has a tattoo and also a set of teeth.

  解题思路:This is the kind of kite that has a wooden mask at the top of the frame,提示下文即将具体说明面具具体是什么样子的。定位到it’s a mask of a human head - and you can clearly see it has a tattoo and also a set of teeth。with teeth and tatoo是对has a tattoo and teeth的同义转述。tatoo,纹身。

  Question 38


  定位原文:Primarily, the flying of kites was a way of communicating with the gods and when the kites rose into the air, the Maori used them to deliver messages.

  解题思路:turning to the purpose and function of the kites, they certainly had multiple uses,提示下文即将讨论放风筝的目的和功能。定位到Primarily, the flying… deliver messages。send和 deliver在此文中是同义词,都是“寄送”的意思;sending messages to the gods是对communicating with the gods的同义转述。primarily, 首先。

  Question 39


  定位原文:…to attract the attention of a neighbouring village. This was done when a meeting was required between Maori elders.

  解题思路:People would also fly kites for other reasons,提示下文即将讨论放风筝其它的目的或功能。定位到to attract the attention of a neighbouring village. This was done when a meeting was required between Maori elders。a meeting was necessary是对a meeting was required的同义转述。necessary, 必要的;require, 需要,要求。

  Question 40


  定位原文:There are traditional stories that describe how when a Maori warrior found himself surrounded by his enemies, a kite could actually provide the possibility of escape.

  解题思路:And finally, when it comes to war,提示下文即将讨论发生战争面对敌人时风筝的功能。定位到there are traditional stories … possibility of escape。if enemies were coming 是对found himself surrounded by his enemies的同义转述;a means of escape是对provide the possibility of escape的同义转述。escape在此文中的意思是“逃跑,逃脱”;warrior,武士,军人;a means of,一种方法。