
2022-05-28 04:26:52


  雅思8听力原文文本格式Section 2 task 1

  CAROL: Good morning and welcome again to YourCity Today.With me today is Graham Campbell,acouncillor from the city council.He will be telling usabout the plan to improve the fast-growing suburbof Red Hill.Good morning Graham and welcome tothe show.

  GRAHAM: Good morning,Carol.

  CAROL: Now,Graham,I understand that there hasbeen a lot of community consultation for the newplan?

  GRAHAM: Yes,we've tried to address some of the concerns that local groups told usabout.People we've heard from are mainly worried about traffic in the area,and,in particular,theincreasing speed of cars near schools.They feel that it is only a matter of time before there is anaccident as a lot of the children walk to the school.So we're trying to do something aboutthat.Another area of concern is the overhead power lines.These are very old and a lot of peoplewe spoke to asked if something could be done about them.Well,I'm happy to report that thepower company have agreed to move the power lines underground at a cost of $800,000.Ithink that will really improve the look of the area,as well as being safer.

  CAROL: That's good to know ,but will that mean an increase in rates for the local businesses inthat area?

  GRAHAM: Well,the power company have agreed to bear the cost of this themselves after a lotof discussion with the council.This is wonderful news as the council now has some extra fundsfor us to put into other things like tree planting and art work.

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  GRAHAM: Now,we've also put together a map whichwe've sent out to all the residents in the area.And onthe map we've marked the proposedchanges.Firstly,we'll plant mature pine trees toprovide shelter and shade just to the right of thesupermarket in Days Road.In order to address thetraffic problems,the pavements on the corner ofCarberry and Thomas Street will be widened.This willhelp to reduce the speed of vehicles enteringThomas Street.We think it's very important toseparate the local residential streets from the mainroad.So the roadway at the entry to ThomasStreet from Days Road will be painted red.This should mark it more clearly and act as a signalfor traffic to slow down.One way of making sure that the pedestrians are safe is to increasesignage at the intersections.A 'keep clear' sign will be erected at the junction of Evelyn Streetand Hill Street,to enable traffic to exit at all times.Something we're planning to do to helpcontrol the flow of traffic in the area is to install traffic lights half way down Hill Street where itcrosses Days Road.Now,we haven't only thought about the cars and traffic,of course,there'salso something for the children.We're going to get school children in the area to research a localstory,the life of a local sports hero perhaps,and an artist will incorporate that story intopaintings on the wall of a building on the other side of Hill Street from the supermarket.Andfinally,we've agreed to build a new children's playground which will be at the other end of HillStreet close to the intersection with Carberry Street.

  CAROL: Wonderful,now,what's the next stage?

  GRAHAM: Well,the final plan...

