
2022-06-10 16:29:54

  2017年8月12日雅思听力真题解析!本场考试中雅思听力音频资料分别为Information about School Registration、Bike Shops、Music and Psychology、Mangrove Regeneration Program,具体考试题对应解析详见正文。

  Section 1


  标题Information about School Registration


  1 Address: Monterey, 有拼写

  2 Find the package from the school library, school office是干扰信息

  3 Health from doctor and dentist, 答案有点弱读t字母

  4 No transportation is provided

  5 On-site licensed childcare for working parents

  6 无

  7 Open House information can be found through the mail and website

  8 meet teachers and have a placement test

  9 First day of school on August 19th

  10 Day hour from 8.00 to 2.05 (pm)

  Section 2

  标题Bike Shops

  题型配对6 + 双选4

  11 Halliday Bike E latest bike models原文为most up-to-date

  12 Alan’s Bike G can hire bikes 原文为 rent

  13 RideMyBike D a wide range of equipment 原文为loads of equipment其中包括helmets

  14 Bike Place H discount for members 原文为10% off然后又补充说,打了折还是很贵!

  15 Wheel and More F used bikes for sale 原文为second-hand bikes

  16 Speedy Dave C lowest price原文为cheapest, 商家郑重承诺,买高可补差价

  17-18 Two features should be considered while buying the first bike

  B comfort 原文说you do not want to have aching muscles and painfulbacks

  E appearance 原文说 既然是第一辆车,外形肯定要酷炫

  19-20 Two biking routes for inexperienced riders

  B Pendleback Hill

  D Haltford to Lee

  Section 3


  标题Music and Psychology


  21 The tutor likes the topic because

  B students will be interested in the topic 原文说could spark discussionamong students

  22 B

  23 The research is the first one in the field to

  A include so many participants 原文说 64,000 respondents from theworld involved in the research

  24 Sarah thinks the research

  C data may not be reliable 原文说i’m skeptical about the data, don’ttrust it

  配对题 [字母顺序可能乱了,但答案不会]

  25 Background Research C too detailed 原文说 too many facts

  26 Other similar research B not enough interest 原文说too dull

  27 Research Topic H

  28 Market Research D statistics incomplete 原文说not enough data

  29 Presentation E needs more expert opinion 原文说丌能只看作者的

  30 Future Research F must be more relevant 原文说link better

  Section 4


  标题Mangrove Regeneration Program


  31 protect coastal areas from flooding by the sea

  32 people use them as fire material

  33 many were poisoned by the use of fertilisers 可以把s写成z

  34 local people use the place to put their trash

  35 a barrier made of sand failed

  36 seedlings of the gray population

  37 无

  38 watered in the rain water

  39 at risk of large plant population

  40 destroyed by a storm
