剑桥雅思7听力test 4 section4原文

2022-06-14 18:18:22

  雅思听力部分的备考资料中,同学们需要重点关注一下真题资料和解析内容,因为这样的资料完全跟考试相关,所以同学们可以利用解析的内容总结出很多有价值的内容,下面我们就一起来看一下剑桥雅思7听力test 4 section4原文吧。


  1. A place near water

  What rivers do you have in your country?

  What kind of activities do people usually do near water?

  In general, do you think people like to live near water? Why?

  What benefits can people get from living near water?

  Do you enjoy being close to the ocean?

  Are there any disadvantages (or dangers) to living at the seaside?

  What is the importance of saving water?

  How do you think we could protect the ocean environment?

  Do you think the world should work together to protect the oceans?

  2. Monument

  What is the difference between young people and old people going there?

  Why are monuments important?

  Should the monument be built by the government, why?

  Should we protect the monuments, why?

  What the difference between old buildings and modern buildings?

  Do you prefer old buildings or modern ones, why?

  3. Foreign country

  Using your experience, how do you know that country?

  Which part of that country interests you the most?

  Do you have foreign friends or teachers?

  How did they introduce the foreign country?

  What’s the difference between staying at home and traveling?

  Talk something about tourism development in china, service and the influence on the environment.

  4. a building of the school or college

  Is there any difference between the buildings in primary schools and secondary schools?

  What are they?

  What’s the difference between school buildings in the city and in the country side?

  5. museum

  What kind of museums are the most popular in China?

  Do you have any suggestion about how to make the museums more attractive to people?

  What are the differences between exhibitions for children and exhibitions for adults?

  What are the advantages for children to visit museums?

  How can new technologies make improvement to the museums?

  6. library

  How do you think the libraries can encourage people to go there often?

  What kind of skills should a librarian possess?

  Should there be a free library in every city? Why?

  Is there a library in every school? Why?

  What are the advantages of a school library compared to a city library?

  What kind of people should help build a library?

  7. your hometown

  Would you say your hometown is suitable for children to grow up in?

  How is your city now different from twenty years ago?

  What's the weather usually like in your hometown?

  Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?

  What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown?

  What's the most attractive part of your hometown?

  Is there anything worth visiting in your hometown?

  Where do you live at the moment? (If not living in your hometown now)

  How long have you been living there?

  Do you like it? (The place you are living in now) Why? / Why not?

  Do you think you'll always live there?

  8. Your apartment

  What sort of houses do people live in today?

  How are houses today different from the houses of the past?

  What sort of technology is used to build houses today?

  What sort of technology do you think will be used in the houses of the future?

  Where do you want to live in the future?

  What factors affect people's decisions to live where they do?

  Which room is your favorite in your apartment?

  Which furniture do you like most in your apartment?

  Is there anything you want to change in your apartment? Why?

  How did you decorate your apartment?

  When do you want to change furniture?

  Does people like change furniture?

  What are your considerations when buying furniture?

  Do you prefer small apartment or big apartment?

  9. Shopping Center

  Why are there a lot of big stores?

  What are the main differences between small stores and big stores when you go shopping?

  Do you think small stores will disappear in the future?

  What do you think is the best way to advertise?

  What do you think of on-line shopping?

  What do you think of the use of credit card?

  What is the best way to bargain?

  What are the main differences between the bargain shops and others?

  Are there any pickpockets in your city?

  What should we do with these people?

  Is shoplifting common in your city?

  What should we do to stop shoplifting?

  What are the differences between girls and boys when they go shopping?

  Do girls like shopping more than boys do?

  Are there any duty free shops in your city? Do you go there?

  What kinds of shops are popular in your city?

  How is the business of most of the shops in your city?

  Are there any 24 hours shops in your country?

  10. Room

  What kind of room will be ideal for you?

  How often do you tidy your room?

  What are the differences between the rooms in city and a village?

  What is the difference between your room and other rooms in your house?

  Do you think that rooms in the future will be a lot different from now?

  How are they going to change and why?

  Do you know you neighbors?

  What sort of people are they?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with parents?

  What sort of living environment is the best for children?

  What are the advantages of having a private room?

  What are the advantages of sharing a room with others?

  How do people decorate their rooms to show their personalities?

  11. School

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a part time job while at school overseas?

  Is teaching a popular profession in China?

  What should the government do to improve the education system in China?

  Do you think more money should be spent on teachers and facilities in school?

  Do you think school fees will increase in the future?

  Do you think there are going to be fewer exams?

  12. Hotel

  How have hotels changed in recent years (or, compared to the past)?

  What facilities should a (good) hotel have?

  What could be done to improve the level of service in hotels?

  Is the hotel industry an important part of China's economy?

  What kind of people (what kind of personal qualities) are best suited to work in a hotel?


  1. Great change

  Do you like change? Why?

  What are some important changes that people generally have?

  Do your family members (parents) support you when you make changes to your life?

  How can family and society help young people to cope with changes?

  2. A meal

  Do you like cooking? (Why? /Why not?)

  Is it important to learn cooking? Why did not school teach cooking?

  Where do Chinese people learn cooking?

  What kinds of food do Chinese people like to eat?

  Is the food that people eat today in China different to the food that people used to eat in the past? (If yes, in what ways has it changed?)

  Describe what you think is a healthy diet.

  Would you say that eating a healthy diet is important? (Why?)

  Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?

  Are there many vegetarians in China?

  How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?

  Is American-style 'fast food' popular in China? (Why? Popular with whom?)

  What do you think of this popularity—is it as good thing?

  Do you think the western food in your city is authentic?

  Do people prefer to eat at home or in a restaurant?

  Do you think that the atmosphere will have an influence on restaurants?

  3. A short course

  What do you think are the qualities of a good teacher?

  Do you think the usage of science and technology has changed teaching very much?

  Which do you think is better, distance education or classroom education?

  Do you think distance education might one day replace classroom education?

  4. A story

  Do you think (young) children prefer to be read a story or to read a story themselves?

  Why do you think (little) kids like listening to stories?

  Are there any differences between the stories that were told to the children in that past and nowadays?

  Who was your super hero in your childhood?

  Children always like to copy their super role models, but sometimes they hurt themselves while they copy their heroes. In your opinion what kind of precautions should be taken?

  What kinds of entertainment children often do?

  Do they still play traditional games?

  5. An artistic skill

  Do you think that children should learn artistic skills at school?

  Can having artistic skills help develop people's characters?

  In the future, do you think that certain artistic skills may be lost?

  Do you think we can learn artistic skills from books or do we really need teachers?

  6. A long journey

  How does travel affect different (types of) people in different ways?

  In general, do you think people like traveling?

  What are some of the different reasons why people travel from one place to another?

  In what ways is a business trip different to a holiday trip?

  What are some of the problems that people might experience when they go on a trip and what can/could the traveler do to resolve (or, avoid) these problems?

  7. Traffic jam

  Compare travelling by car and travelling by bus.

  Which vehicles are more likely to be in a traffic jam, cars or buses?

  Do you think you would feel differently in a traffic jam if you were in a bus, compared to being in a car?

  Compare travelling by taxi with travelling by other forms of public transportation.

  What do you think of people who always drive their car, even when they could just as easily use public transportation?

  How does having many cars in a city affect the environment?

  8. An ambition

  What would you do if you failed to achieve your ambition?

  Have you helped others to achieve their ambition?

  What kind of help did you offer?

  Do you often get help from other people?

  What kind of help do you usually get?

  Is it necessary for individuals to make plans ahead?


  1. A child

  Do you think children are important?

  How do you think children and teenagers are different?

  Do you think children today are happier than children in the past?

  How do you think young parents can know how to bring up their child?

  For parents, what is important when bringing up their child?

  What influence do parents have on the way their children develop?

  For parents, which do you think is better, to have one child or more than one?

  What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages for children to have brothers and sisters?

  2. A happy person

  Do you think there is much difference between what makes people happy today and what made people happy in the past?

  What do you think gives people happiness that lasts a long time?

  Do you think advertising today has any effect on people's sense of happiness?

  Do you think money can bring happiness?

  Which is more important to you, wealth or happiness?

  3. A music band

  What is the importance of music in people's lives?

  Do you think that music adds something to people's lives?

  What are the differences between the music old(er) people like and the music young people like?

  How does music affect people's mood?

  Do you think aggressive music has an effect on people?

  What kinds of music are popular in your country?

  Is Beijing (Peking) Opera very popular?

  Do you think it's good for children to study music?

  Is there any difference between children studying music today and in the past?

  Do you think music can become commercialized?

  Is the internet having any effect on the music industry?

  Do you think this will (or could) have an effect on the music industry?

  Many young people go through a stage when they dream of being a being a pop singer or a musician. Why do you think they have this dream?

  Would you like to work in the music industry? Why?

  Do you think it's reasonable to say that since you love music, you would like to make it your profession?

  4. An old person

  How do modern people view the idea of growing old?

  How are old people important to society?

  What role do old people play in families?

  What attitude do young people usually have towards old people?

  Does the rise in the number of old people effect the economy?

  5. Someone you enjoy working with

  What do you think is the most important factor in choosing a job?

  What do you think of the relationship between your boss and you?

  Is it difficult to get along well with your boss?

  Do you think that a harmonious atmosphere is important to a department?

  How do new technologies have influence on the interpersonal relationship now?

  6. A character in a film

  What types of character will be popular in the future?

  Which type of character do boys /girls like?

  7. Classmates

  Are you good at keeping in touch with your classmates even if you don’t see them regularly?

  What’s the most important thing between friends?

  What does friendship mean to you?

  What is the difference in requirements for making friends between now and in your childhood?

  Is it more difficult to make a bosom friend when one is grown up?

  What do you think are the advantages and the disadvantages of children studying in big classes, compared to small classes?

  For children these days, do you think it’s easier to make friends in a small school or a large school?

  What do you think are the benefits of studying in a large school?

  8. Person who passed away

  9. A famous person in history

  What kind of people is famous in your country?

  What people are famous in china now?

  What kind of people do Chinese people admire?

  Do you want to be famous?

  Why do a lot of people want to be famous?

  What’s people’s attitude to famous people?

  Should the private lives of famous people be made public?

  Do famous people have special responsibilities to society?

  Some famous people are very rich, is this fair?

  Do you think that monuments to famous people are a waste of money?

  In Britain, for example, certain famous people receive honors and titles. What do you think of this?

  Do you often talk about singers with your friends? What do you often talk about?

  What do you think of the privacy of a well-known person?

  What do you think of the relationship between a well-known person and advertising?

  Would you be influenced by the well-known persons in TV commercials?

  10. A leader

  What are the qualities of a good leader?

  Why do we need leaders?

  Would you like to be a leader?

  Do you think teamwork is important?

  How do you think a team should be organized?

  Do you think it's always necessary to have a strong team leader?

  How should a team leader do his or her job?

  11. A person who had an influence on you

  How do you like people to view you?

  Do you think that people are often influenced by material things (eg. money, car)?

  Do people’s characters change as they get older?

  12. Sports star

  Why do people like to watch games?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages for watching games?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages between watching games and playing games/sports?

  What’s the difference between the sports in the past and now?

  What are the sporting facilities like in your hometown?

  Do you think that it's reasonable for sports stars to earn more money than others?

  Do you think its ok for sports star to make money by advertising?

  Do you think tobacco manufacturers can be the sponsors of sports events?

  How can a sportsman gain honor for his country?

  What kind of sports do you like?

  What are the advantages of doing sports?

  What’s the value of sports?

  Should there be sports events all over the world?

  Should the government support big sports events?

  13. Teacher

  What is the most important qualification to be a teacher?

  Do people want to be teachers?

  Do you still remember your school days?

  What impressed you most when you were at university?

  What do you think education should be?

  Are there any problems in education?

  How do you think the government can solve the problem?

  What do you think of the practice of setting up key schools in primary and secondary school education in china?

  What are the differences between the traditional and modern teaching? Which is better? Why?

  What’s the difference between today’s education and that of twenty years ago?

  Is there any difference between your parents’ generation and your generation in study?

  14. Ethnic minority

  Describe an ethnic minority in your country.

  You should say:

  What is the minority called and where the people live

  How the people there are special or different to other ethnic group in your country

  What traditions or festivals do they have

  And say whether you would like to live with this ethnic minority


  1. A book

  What kind of book do Chinese people like to read?

  What’s the bestseller in china?

  What’s the difference between the books that women and men read?

  Do you often read books?

  Do you spend more time reading or watching TV?

  Do people read books to get entertainment or for knowledge?

  Do you think that we can gain knowledge from both TV and books?

  What are your opinions about reading for fun and read for purpose?

  What is the role of the book possesses in education?

  Do you think that people's tastes in books change as they get older?

  In the future, do you think that books printed on paper will disappear?

  If you wrote a book, what kind of book would it be?

  2. A pet

  Why do you think some people don't want to have pets?

  What kinds of pets are the most popular in China?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet?

  Do you think animals have feelings and rights? (Why?/Why not?)

  Some people breed animals such as dogs for money. How do you feel about that?

  3. A letter or a card

  When do Chinese people write letters?

  How often do you write letters?

  What’s the difference between letters and emails?

  With the popularity of computers and Internet, will people lose their ability to write letters?

  Do you think letters will disappear in the future?

  What is the significance of handwriting?

  Does your country have handwriting lesson now?

  Compare the handwriting now and past.

  4. An invention

  Have you found any new invention recently?

  What can you do with it?

  What kind of people like to invent?

  Why do scientists like invention?

  What qualification should an inventor have?

  What kind of invention will be created in the future?

  What can this invention do?

  What are the differences between young people and old people in accepting new things?

  How do you introduce new things to old people?

  What’s the difficulty in doing so?

  Do you think government’s responsibility is very important for invention?

  What should government do to let people accept new things?

  5. A piece of equipment

  Is the equipment you've mentioned in your examples used in your home?

  How about other Chinese families?

  Do you think this machine will still exist 20 years later why?

  What appliances have you got at home?

  What benefits has modern technology brought to our housework?

  Do you think that people may lose some abilities because of technology?

  What changes have there been in appliances in China in recent years?

  Do you think this is a good change?

  What technology do you think we will have in the future?

  How often do you access internet?

  Why do you like surfing the internet?

  6. A TV program

  How many hours a week do you watch the TV?

  Are you a TV addict?

  Are there any programmers that you hate to watch? Why?

  Who is your favorite TV star?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?

  Should children watch TV? Why?

  What TV sets you prefer, the old ones or the new flat screen ones? Why?

  What are the differences between the TV programmers of now and 20 years ago?

  Is there too much violence on the TV in your country? How to control it?

  How is Internet affecting the TV?

  What is your opinion on the advertisement on TV? Is it necessary?

  7. A toy

  Are toys important for children? Why?

  What are the differences between the toys girls like and boys like?

  Why it is always boys, who prefer the violent toys?

  What is your opinion on the violent toy?

  How have toys changed in the past several years?

  What are the differences between the old toys and new toys?

  Is the quality of the toys important?

  Who should choose the toys for children? (Parents or the kids themselves)

  What do you think that parents spend a lot of money on toys for their children?

  8. Wild animal

  Do you have any experience of keep pets?

  What kind of animals can you see in your city?

  Why should we protect wild animals?

  What measures can be taken by the government to protect wild animals?

  What can individuals do?

  Do you like birds?

  Are there many birds in your living area?

  Do you think Chinese people like birds? Why?

  9. Your favorite song

  What kind of music do Chinese people like?

  What's the bestseller in china?

  What's the difference between the music that old people like and young people like?

  Is foreign music more popular than domestic music in your country?

  What are the differences in music between China and western countries?

  Can you tell me about western music’s impact on world music?

  Do you think it’s necessary to hold music courses at high school?

  What effects do you think there will be if we let children or students learn an instruments?

  Is it often easier for children to learn music than adults? Can you tell me why?

  What do you think parents should do in order to improve their children’s interest in music?

  What role does music plays in our lives?

  In what ways can music affect our feelings?

  10. Favorite form of transport

  What forms of transportation are available in your hometown?

  Which way to you use most frequently?

  Compare trains and buses as forms of transport in your country.

  Which types of transport do you think are better for short journeys and which are better for long ones?

  How do people in your country usually travel when they go on holiday?

  Is flying a common form of transport in your country?

  What do you think about private cars?

  Do you think that the use of cars should be limited by law?

  In what ways do modern transportation methods make our lives easier?

  Can you imagine the transportation in the future and describe it for me?

  Have you ever been caught in a traffic jam?

  Has the government taken any measures to resolve the traffic problems in your city?

  Do you think that building underground transport is an effective way to solve the serious traffic problem?

  11. A movie

  What films did you like when you were young?

  Do you think people would adjust their taste to film as they grow older?

  What kind of film do people like at your age?

  What films do you watch now?

  How often do you watch them?

  What features does this type of film have?

  What can attract people to go to a cinema?

  Do you think TV would take the place of cinema?

  Why is special effect used in film?

  What kind of negative impact does film bring to people?

  Do you think Chinese films would be popular in other countries?

  12. A newspaper/magazine

  Do you think people have enough time to read big newspapers? Why?

  What’s the main difference between newspapers and magazines?

  What can you learn from newspapers and how about read on the internet?

  How does Internet affect the books and their popularity?

  What is the difference between the books that people read in different age groups?

  What kind of books children should and shouldn’t read?

  What is the best method to enjoy reading a book?

  What sorts of books do elderly people prefer to read in your opinion?

  Are there any foreigner writers famous in your country?

  Who is the most famous writer in your country?

  Why is he famous?

  What kind of newspapers can you pick in your town?

  What time and place DO people like to read newspapers/magazine? Why?

  What are the most popular newspapers in your city?

  At what age children should start reading books? Why?

  Do you think all the news is real?

  Could you give an example that the news is not real one?

  What the ability should the journalist have?

  What’s the function of a journalist?

  What is the responsibility do you think the journalist should take?

  14. A work of art

  Do you think art (or, the arts) is (are) important?

  How are children (or, young people) exposed to art?

  How important do you think it is for children to have art classes in school?

  What are some good ways to teach art to children?

  Do you think art and literature (or, the arts) should be taught in universities?

  (Similar to above) Do you think the different arts should be taught at universities?

  15. A traditional Chinese dress

  Do you think "globalization" will eventually bring all the cultures of the world closer together?

  How much do young people in China know about traditional culture?

  Can you suggest how traditional culture could be promoted among young people?

  Is there much difference between the attitudes of young people and older people concerning traditional culture?

  What are some influences that affect the choices young people make when they buy clothes?

  Does the media affect people's choices of clothes?

  How do you (or, how do people) choose (=decide) what style of clothing to buy?

  What are the differences between the clothes old people wear (or, buy) and those that young people wear?

  Compare the materials and fashions of today's clothing with those of the past.

  What kinds of clothes do high school kids wear to school in China?

  Are there any good points about wearing a uniform?

  Are there any bad points about wearing a uniform?

  What do high school kids like to wear on weekends?

  16. Your favorite photo

  Do Chinese people like taking photos?

  When do people take photos usually?

  Why do people tear apart the photos they have taken?

  In your opinion, what makes a good photograph?

  Do you think people need to be trained in order to take good photographs?

  17. An advertisement

  What are the different kinds of advertising?

  What kind of advertising is most common in China?

  Advertisements on which media have the greatest effect on people - TV, radio, billboards, newspapers ...? Why?

  Is advertising on the internet very influential?

  How do advertisements attract the attention of people?

  What kinds of advertisements are most attractive to children (or, young people)?

  Do you think advertisements are a good or bad influence on children?

  Why do companies spend money on advertising?

  Do you think advertisements actually influence people to buy things (perhaps things they don't really need)?

  Do overseas advertisements used in, or adapted for use in China affect Chinese culture and values?

  Is this a good thing?

  Does the Chinese government control advertisements in any way? How?

  18. National product

  19. Website

  Compared to several decades ago, do you think the internet has changed people’s lives?

  What impact has the internet had on modern people’s lives?

  What are the pros and cons of children using the internet?

  How do you think children could be encouraged to (or, taught to) use the internet in positive ways?

  Do you think online education is good?

  Do you think the internet (or, computers) will ever replace teachers?

  In what ways is the internet used for entertainment?

  Do different age groups use it for entertainment in different ways?

  20. Something you made by yourself

  What kind of things do people like making by themselves?

  What kind of skills do people need to make things?

  What is the difference between handmade products and factory made products?

  以上就是剑桥雅思7听力test 4 section4原文的全部内容,供大家参考。