
2022-05-23 09:00:05


  JULIE: Remind me,Trevor...how long is thepresentation?

  TREVOR: Dr White said three per hour.

  JULIE: So about twenty minutes?

  TREVOR: Well...it'll be fifteen minutes perpresentation.

  JULIE: And five minutes for questions.

  TREVOR: And is this one going to be assessed?

  JULIE: No...not this time round...because it's thefirst one...you know.

  TREVOR: Good news.

  JULIE: Well,Trevor,what are we going to include?

  TREVOR: Well...Do you think we ought to give some historical background?

  JULIE: Oh no...definitely not...we won't have time!

  TREVOR: OK...but I think we ought to say something about the geographical location...cos nota lot of people know where the islands are...

  JULIE: Yes...OK...I'll take notes,shall I?

  TREVOR: Yeah,that'll be a help...

  JULIE: So...geographical location...