
2022-05-31 03:22:49


  The second mistake we often make when strickenwith extreme back pain is to go to bed and staythere.Although at the clinic we recognise that a shortrest in bed can be helpful...up to two days...anylonger makes our back muscles become weaker andunable to hold up our spine.The pain thereforebecomes worse.

  Another problem is being overweight.Anyone a stoneor more over-weight who already has back pain isnot doing himself any favours:though it won'tactually set it off in the first place,the weight willincrease the strain and make things worse.The British diet could be partially to blame for theincrease in back pain:over the last ten years the average weight of men has risen by 11 lbs andof women by 9 lbs.So much for the causes and aggravations of pain.But what can WE do tohelp?

  There are many ways in which simple day-to-day care can make all the difference.The first pointto watch of course is weight.If you are overweight,a diet will make all the difference.
