
2022-05-19 19:46:52


  And finally I'd like to tell you about our new wildlifearea,Hinchingbrooke Park,which will be opened to thepublic next month.This slide doesn't really indicatehow big it is,but anyway,you can see the two gatesinto the park,and the main paths.As you cansee,there's a lake in the north west of the park,witha bird hide to the west of it,at the end of a path.Soit'll be a nice quiet place for watching the birds on thelake.

  Fairly close to where refreshments are available,there's a dog-walking area in the southern partof the park,leading off from the path.And if you just want to sit and relax,you can go to theflower garden;that's the circular area on the map surrounded by paths.

  And finally,there's a wooded area in the western section of the park,between two paths.

  Okay,that's enough from me,so let's go on to...
