
2022-06-10 01:27:14


  剑桥雅思4Test2Section4 Task1

  So far, in these lectures, we've been looking atcrimes like robbery and murder,both from a historicalviewpoint and also in contemporary society,andwe've seen that the preoccupation in Westernsociety with crime and with lawlessness is part of along and continuous tradition, rather thansomething which is new and unique to modemsociety.But over the past seventy years or so,therehas been a massive increase in one type ofcrime,which is what's known as 'corporatecrime'.Corporate crime is crime which, as the namesuggests, is connected with companies, withbusiness organisations.It includes illegal acts of either individuals or a group within thecompany,but what is important is that these acts are normally in accordance with the goals ofthe company,they're for the good of the company rather than the individual.

  剑桥雅思4Test2Section4 Task2

  It's been defined as, quote 'crime which iscommitted for the corporate organisation' - thecompany - ‘not against it',unquote.

  So crimes like theft by employees - things likeembezzlement or fraud against one's actualemployer are excluded according to this definition.

  The employees may be involved but they're acting inthe first place for the company,

  they may not even realise ihey're committing a crimeor they may realise but they feel it's excusablebecause it's policy,

  or because otherwise they may lose their jobs.

  So here, really, we're talking about the links between power and crime.

  Now, this is one area that much less is generally known about than conventional ortraditional crime.

  It has been relatively ignored by the mass media - for example,it tends to be under-reported incomparison with conventional crime in news broadcasts,

  and in crime serials and films and so on - they very rarely deal with corporate crime.

  And it also tends to be ignored in academic circles - theres been far more research onconventional crime and far more data is available.

  剑桥雅思4Test2Section4 Task3

  There are several reasons for this lack of interest incorporate crime, compared with other types ofcrime.It's often very complex,whereas withconventional crime it's usually possible to followwhat s going on without specialist knowledge.As wellas this, whereas conventional crime usually has alot of human interest, corporate crime often hasmuch less.The third reason, and possibly the mostsignificant one, is that very often the victims areunaware,they think their misfortune is an accidentor that it's the fault of no-one in particular. They'reunaware that they've been victims of a crime.So,when we look at the effects of corporate crime we may find it's very difficult to assess thecosts.But these costs can be very considerable in both their economic and social aspects.

  剑桥雅思4Test2Section4 Task4

  Let's look at the economic costs first.For example, if a company is producing fruit juice and it dilutes its product so that it's just a little below the concentration it should be,many millions of people may be paying a small amount extra for their carton of orange juice.Now small amounts like this may seem insignificant for individual customers - too small to worry about -but for the company this deception might result in massive illegal profit.However, all studies of corporate crime agree that the individuals are in fact deprived of far more money by such crime than they are by conventional crime like robbery and theft.

  In addition to this, we have to consider the social costs of corporate crime and these are again very difficult to assess, but they are considerable.They're important because they can undermine the faith of the public in the business world and also, more importantly,because the main group of people they affect are, in fact, not the richer sections of society but the poorer,so here companies are robbing the poor to benefit the rich.

