
2022-05-23 18:57:16


  So most of the consumption of water in Australiacomes from water which is kept above ground. Morethan 300 dams regulate river flows around thecountry. The dams store water for a variety offunctions, the rural irrigation of crops, without whichmany productive areas of the country would not beable to be farmed; the regulation of flooding, aserious problem which will be dealt with later in thecourse; and last but not least, the harnessing of theforce of gravity for the generation of electricity.

  That is all we have time for this morning, but youwill be able to do further study on this important area in the library. I have a handout here withreferences on the subject, so if you are interested, please come up to the desk and take a copy.

  Next week’s lecture is a case study of an outback farm and...
