
2022-06-03 18:57:06


  5. Evidence that the defendant in a criminal prosecution has a prior conviction may (i)___ jurors to presume the defendant’s guilt, because of their preconception that a person previously convicted of a crime must be inclined toward repeated criminal behavior. That commonly held belief is at least a (ii)___; not all former convicts engage in repeated criminal behavior. Also, jury may give more probative weight than objective analysis would allow to vivid photographic evidence depicting a shooting victim’s wounds, or may (iii)___ the weight of defense testimony that is not delivered in a sufficiently forceful or persuasive manner.


  A stimulate D partial distortion of reality G underestimate

  B deter E vivid reflection of imagination H exaggerate

  C participate F precise calculation of certainty I reflect

  6. The usage suggests that the creation and critical interpretation of literature are not (i)___ but mechanical processes; that the author of any piece of writing is not (ii)___ artist, but merely a laborer who cobbles existing materials (words) into more or less conventional structures. The term deconstruction implies that the text has been put together like a building or a piece of machinery, and that it is in need of being taken apart, not so much in order to (iii)___ it as to demonstrate underlying inadequacies, false assumptions, and inherent contradictions.


  A instructive D a derivative G repair

  B literal E an insipid H qualify

  C organic F an inspired I construct

  7. Most psychologists, perplexed by the feelings they acknowledge are aroused by aesthetic experience, have claimed that these emotions are genuine, but different in kind from nonaesthetic emotions. This, however, is (i)___ rather than an empirical observation and consequently lacks explanatory value. On the other hand, Gombrich argues that emotional responses to art are (ii)___; art triggers remembrances of previously experienced emotions. These debates have prompted the psychologist Radford to argue that people do experience real melancholy or joy in responding to art, but that these are (iii)___ responses precisely because people know they are reacting to illusory stimuli.


  A a descriptive distinction D vivacious G zealous

  B a body of profound knowledge E synonymous H lugubrious

  C a valid evidence F ersatz I irrational

