
2022-06-14 00:57:51


  1、Artificial light _______ the respiratory activity of some microorganisms in the winter but not in the summer, in part because in the summer their respiration is already at its peak and thus cannot be _______.

  A, stimulates.. lessened

  B, inhibits.. quickened

  C, reflects.. expanded

  D, elevates.. measured

  E, enhances.. increased

  respiratory: a.呼吸的,呼吸器管的,呼吸作用的

  microorganism: n.微生物

  inhibit: v.1.抑制,约束 2.[化][医]抑制

  elevate: v.1.举起,提高,使上升 2.提升…的职位,提高(嗓门,信心等),改善3.使情绪高昂


  2、Doreen justifiably felt she deserved recognition for the fact that the research institute had been _____a position of preeminence, since it was she who had ______ the t


  A, reduced to.. controlled

  B, raised to.. observed

  C, mired in.. imagined

  D, maintained in.. created

  E, returned to.. directed

  justifiably: adv.无可非议地,可辩护地,情有可原地

  preeminence: n.卓越,杰出

  mire: v.使陷入泥潭,使陷困境


  3、The prospects of discovering new aspects of the life of a painter as thoroughly studied as Vermeer are not, on the surface_______.

  A, unpromising

  B, daunting

  C, encouraging

  D, superficial

  E, challenging

  prospect: n.1.预期,展望,指望 2.景象,视野 3.机会,前景,前程,前途

  vermeer: n.弗美尔(荷兰风俗画家,亦作肖像及风景画,以善用色彩表现空间感及光的效果著称,作品有《挤奶女工》,《情书》等)

  unpromising: a.无指望的,没有前途的,不太有成功希望的

  daunting: a.令人胆怯气馁的,威吓的

  superficial: a.1.面(积)的 2.表面的,外部的 3.草率的,粗略的4.肤浅的,浅薄的

