
2022-06-09 12:19:21


  10. According to Lionel Trilling, the paradox of liberalism was that in its quest for freedom it must move toward GREater organization, stricter legislation, and increasing .

  (A) anarchy

  (B) self-realization

  (C) stagnation

  (D) control

  (E) levity

  11. Unlike many recent interpretations of Liszt's piano sonatas, the recitalist’s performance was a delightfully free and introspective one; nevertheless, it was also, seemingly paradoxically, quite ______.

  (A) exuberant

  (B) appealing

  (C) controlled

  (D) idiosyncratic

  (E) uninspired

  12. Although ______ in her own responses to the novels she reviewed, the fiction critic was, paradoxically, ______ those who would deny that a reviewer must have a single method of interpretation.

  (A) doGMATic...impatient with

  (B) indulgent...indebted by

  (C) partisan...hostile toward

  (D) capricious...intrigued by

  (E) eclectic...suspicious of

  13. The concept of timelessness is paradoxical from the start ,for adult consciousness is ______ by the awareness of duration.

  (A) permeated

  (B) intrigued

  (C) repelled

  (D) measured

  (E) accelerated

  seemingly : 表面上的, 貌似,对应于实际上的,对立两面选择其一

  14. The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly ______ source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.

  (A) exploited

  (B) remarkable

  (C) controversial

  (D) inexhaustible

  (E) quantifiable
