
2022-06-13 02:56:29

  下面小编给大家介绍长春雅思 口语3个习惯用语,并以话题为例,给大家举例子说明如何使用中去。

  1.once in a blue moon. 这个表达看起来很有趣,蓝月亮的一次,不过这个习语跟这个完全没关系,它的英文解释是if something happens once in a blue moon, it happens very rarely.

  中文意思即千载难逢,难得一次,相当于rarely, hardly ever, seldom 这类频率副词。大家也可以这样记忆,蓝月亮能出现的几率太低了,几乎不太可能,所以它就是很少,千载难逢的意思啦。这个短语可以用来回答雅思口语Part 1 中How often 这类问题。

  如问到:How often do you wear jewelry? 那么对于高中生大学生来说,的确不太普遍,大家便可以这样回答:Well,I have to say since I’m a college student, I wear jewelry once in a blue moon, by which I mean,it’s not really suitable for people in my generation. However, when I attend some formal ceremony like a party or something like that, I might put on a fabulous necklace.

  大家看这样使用是不是比我们说hardly ever, seldom 高级很多呢?

  2.hit the hay / hit the sack.

  这个表达的英文解释是If you hit the hay, or hit the sack, you go to bed.所以这个短语可以很好的替换sleep。不用过多解释,我们直接练题。

  在本季part 1 中有这么一个话题- sleep, 我们来回答一下这个问题,What time do you usually go to bed? 大部分分同学一定会说I usually go to bed at 11 pm. 那么现在你就可以说I always hit the sack at around 11 pm, 是不是逼格尽显了呢?

  3.easier said than done

  这个习语相信大家一眼便可以猜出来它的含义,You say something is easier said than done when it looks easy to do, but in fact it's quite difficult to do. 也就是说起来容易做起来难的意思。

