
2022-05-21 20:05:35

  本次题库为大家带来雅思口语Part2&Part3部分2018年1-4月新题之事物类话题:喜欢的广告(Describe an advertisement that you saw or heard or liked.)内容包含了完整话题、专业解析及范文参考,预祝大家在新的一年能和雅思顺利分手,一战成功,斩获口语高分。

  Part2&Part3 新题部分——事物类:喜欢的广告


  Describe an advertisement that you saw or heard or liked.

  You should say:

  Where you saw or heard it

  What kind of advertisement it was

  What the content of the advertisement was

  And explain how you felt about this advertisement


  Do you think children should watch advertisements?

  Do you think it suitable to put too many advertisements for alcohol?

  What are the pros and cons of advertisements?

  What form of advertisement is the most effective one?




  Well, the first one comes to my mind is a funny one. There is a piece of advertisement that is directed by Hengyuanxiang, a company majors in knitting wool, cashmere, sweater and fabrics. This company was found in 1927, almost a hundred years ago and is now one of the market leaders in China. Every year, when autumn comes, this simple but funny advertisement will appear on the television. I’m sure that everyone who watches TV and elder than 15 knows this piece of advertisement.

  Though it is a company whose products always keep pace with the times, its advertisements’ style remains in the 1970s. At the beginning of the advertisement, a reach of grassland suddenly appears on the entire screen. Then three huge Chinese characters, Hengyuanxiang, will zoom out one by one from the right and stop in the center. Then a voice of a man will read the characters out aloud in an inflexible tone. I always wonder that whether this sound is synthesized with computer or not. Following it is a childish voice, cheering “yang, yang, yang”, which means sheep, sheep, sheep, the company’s main product area. During this process, the image on the screen remains still. To be honest, this advertisement is very short. If that is all of it, it would be fine, though not very pleasant. But it is not over yet. The advertisement will then be repeated for 3 to 4 times, and sometimes it can reach 12 times and finally drives you crazy. After that, this advertisement will immediately occupy your mind, and you cannot think about anything else but “yang, yang, yang” in your mind.

  When I was young, I always saw it on the television. At that time people rely on televisions, and we have no choice but to sit in front of TV and watch different advertisement to wait for the TV program. So we watched this piece of advertisement for many times. I don’t know whether this company do this on purpose or not, but this advertisement does leave a very deep impression to the audience.
