2019年1-4月雅思口语Part1新题范文:Study time

2022-05-22 22:55:07

  2019年1-4月雅思口语Part1Study time话题要求考生描述自己什么时候学习、最佳的学习时间是什么时候等,关于雅思口语Part1Study time话题应该如何回答,小编为大家提供2019年1-4月雅思口语Part1新题范文:Study time一文,方便大家练习。

  1. What time do you like to study?

  I'm one of those night owls that prefer to study in the evening or at night. Maybe it's a byproduct of my high school years where we had a full day of classes and did homework afterwards, but it sometimes feels like I can’t seriously get down to work unless it's getting dark out.

  2. What's the best time for you to study?

  I'm at my most productive sometime after dinner, something like around eight o'clock. By then the whole drowsiness that comes with digesting a meal is gone, and I can really get into the pace of studying. It's also early enough in the evening that the lure of a warm bed hasn't taken hold yet.

  3. Do you like to study alone or with your friends?

  I prefer to study alone. There are times where two people can help each other by discussing questions, but most of the time if there are any more people than that it just turns into distractions. We get sidetracked more frequently, and there's always something more appealing than studies to talk about, it's just better for efficiency if I’m studying alone.

  4. Who do you usually study with?

  I usually study alone, it's more efficient for me that way and with less distractions. If I have problems or need help, I might message a friend, but we’d rarely study together. During exam revision though there are times I do it together with one person, and we quiz each other as a way of revision. But definitely no more than two people, too easy to go on unrelated tangents otherwise.

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