
2022-05-29 05:07:09


  Describe something given to you that you really need向你描述你真正需要的东西

  You should say:你应该说:

  What it is它是什么

  Who gave it to you是谁给你的

  Why you need it为什么你需要它

  And how you felt about it.以及你对它的感觉。

  PART 3

  What things do young people like to buy?年轻人喜欢买什么东西?

  Why do people buy things that are not necessary?为什么人们会买一些不必要的东西?

  What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?当孩子们问他们的朋友有什么事情时,父母应该怎么做?

  Is consumption important to a country?消费对一个国家很重要吗?

    以上为雅思内容:雅思口语考试视频-关于消费观念。点击上面的雅思口语考前点睛班【视频教程】,可以看更多的雅思口语精彩视频,还能了解相关口语培训课程。Happy holidays!

