雅思口语话题题库6月 part3 music vs pollution

2022-06-01 17:57:10

  你会把音乐和污染联想到一起吗?雅思考官的脑洞是什么问题都问得出来的,因此你要学会随机应变。接下来请看雅思内容:雅思口语话题题库6月 part3 music vs pollution 

  Do you think music can be a source of pollution?

  music等于pollution? 这是学生觉得不可思议的话题。因为大家对于常见的音乐类思路,比如Part 1 Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? Why people of different ages like different music? 这些话题中,music都以正面示人,毫无负面影响。其实,我们习惯于答一些音乐可以使人放松、使人兴奋等等的话题,却忽略了pollution这样严重的消极字眼。在口语课堂上,有的学生听到pollution, 就立刻说自己不知道该怎么答了。大家有没有想过广场舞的音乐?有没有想过噪声污染这个话题呢?有没有想过酒吧附近居民的感想?有没有想过那些唱歌跑调的人给我们造成的伤害?那么,在这些层面上,music就是pollution。我们可以这样回答,既轻松有趣,又可以逻辑清晰而辩证:


  Yes, sometimes. We all know music is soft or exciting, it is good for us. But when the music is too loud, especially in public, it is a source of pollution, that’s noise pollution. The square dance music, the pub music, are too loud and disturb the residents nearby. I’ve watched a piece of news of the complaint from a community near a pub. Music will be terrible if the singers are off the key. In karaoke, my friends, some of my friends are off-key singers. Their music is undoubtedly pollution.

  以上为雅思内容:雅思口语话题题库6月 part3 music vs pollution 。雅思口语要做到随机应变,肚子里没点语料素材,那是不得行哒,因此赶紧点击上面链接进去,多多积累和熟悉雅思口语真题和语料吧!
