雅思官方口语示例第13集part 3:Favorite Band

2022-06-09 16:54:45

  下面的内容,是关于雅思口语part3可能会问到的问题,给出的雅思官方回答示例,并且还附了相关的延展话题。下来请看雅思内容:雅思官方口语示例第13集part 3:Favorite Band 

  For the question “How do people react to the music of this band”, you should mention that the fans of this music band revere the songs of this music band. You should also mention that people have different taste on music and the tasted vary mostly based on age group and geographical locations. The people with different music choice or people who do not have taste for this band sometimes criticize this music band but yet this is a really famous music band with good number of hits songs.

  For the question “When you first heard their song”, mention your first memory of the songs by this music band. If this was recommended by a friend or relative mention that or say that you heard it on radio or all of a sudden and liked this music. Also mention that later on you explored the songs of this music band from your personal interest.

  The final question asks you to explain the necessity of listening music. This answer should reflect your point of view of listening music. In general terms, it is considered that music is like foods for the soul. Music is relaxing, washes away our sorrow and opens new dimensions. A good music related us to the memory we have and can inspire us. Music is also helpful when we pass through the depressed and difficult times as music helps us to heal our wounds.

  The above paragraph gives some of the reason we should listen to music but you certainly have your own reasons and mention that in a logical and convincing manner in your answer.

  Some similar cue card topics:

  1. Describe something you enjoy to do at your leisure time.

  2. Describe a leisure activity you have.

  3. Describe a music band you really like.

  4. Describe a piece of music you really like.

  以上为雅思内容:雅思官方口语示例第13集part 3:Favorite Band。大家在学习话题语料时,不仅要关于语料的内容,还要同时了解类似的相关话题,这样有助于考试时临场发挥,随机应变。
