
2022-05-30 20:29:50


  首先part 2给出了4.5的分数可能有这样几个原因,第一个part2 的客片你事先准备过,并且当场背诵了答案,或者考官主观认为你的答案是背诵的,那么按照考试规定,你使用了“pre-prepared notes”,4.5分。如果是这样的情况,只有你在part3证明你的能力,才有可能改变你的口语分数。第二个,你整个part2回答的没有章法和逻辑,并没有按照卡片上给出的要点回应问题,或者是存在跑题的可能,如果是这样,就算后面表现很好,我也觉得不太可能到5.5 。5分是有可能的。


  Part1: Is it necessary for everyone to learn mathematics?

  Yes, I think it is. We all need a basic grounding in maths so that we can do daily tasks, like managing our money, working out bills, and so on.

  Part3: Do you think famous sportspeople are good role models for children?

  I think that sportspeople should be good role models. Children look up to their favourite football players, like David Beckham for example, so I think that these people have an enormous responsibility. They should try to be a good influence, and behave in the right way.

