雅思口语 有趣的故事 Describe a memorable story

2022-05-22 17:05:34

  雅思口语part3是考官就考生Part 2的回答,进行提问。下面我们会就话题一个难忘的故事,为同学们演示如果作答。接下来一起看看雅思口语内容:雅思口语 有趣的故事 Describe a memorable story

  Describe a memorable story told by someone(热门话题)

  You should say:

  Who told you the story?

  When you heard the story

  What the story was about

  Why you found it memorable

  PART 3

  What kind of stories do children like?

  Do you think it's important for parents to read bedtime stories for their children?

  Do you think reading benefits us or not?

  How to keep reading habits in your busy life?

  What books would you recommend young people to read?

  以上为网带来的雅思口语内容:雅思口语 有趣的故事 Describe a memorable story。预祝大家雅思口语对答如流,斩获高分!
