
2022-06-14 07:54:41


  describe a shop or a store

  you should say

  what does it sell

  where is this store

  what does the store look like

  and explain why you like to go to this store




  A store I often go in with my friends late at night is 7 eleven store. This convenient store is scattered throughout China and operates 24 hours in one week. The store has a logo of number 7 and 11 with green, orange and red colors. It has 2 floors to which the first floor has many stands where different products are displayed. The products vary from food, accessories, make up to school supplies. On the second floor is the dining hall. There are 8 chairs and tables on it where clients can dine in. this is our favorite spots with my friends because we can have research or undisturbed chatting for it is quiet and not too many people goes in here. One of the reasons why I love going there is its accessibility. The store is in close proximity to my apartment so whenever I need to buy something I can just walk for about one minute and buy what I need. Another is, it is Wi-Fi enabled so I can browse my homework while dining in there. Aside from that, I enjoy drinking the brain freezing Slurpee. Lastly the very charming and accommodating staffs they are always attentive to their customers’ orders and they always wear a smile which lightens up my day.

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