
2022-05-29 01:47:44


  How much should I say?


  In Part 1 you have 4-5 minutes to answer at least 3 and up to 10 questions which works out to between 20 to 90 seconds per question but do not rely on slow speech to fill up this time. In Part 2 you must speak for I-2 minutes and it is advisable that you speak closer to 2 minutes than 1. The examiner is required to stop you if you speak for longer than 2 minutes for which you will not be penalised. In Part 3 you have 4-5 minutes to answer between 2-6 questions which works out to between 40 to 150 seconds per answer. Try to find a happy medium between these time frames so that you can answer a range of questions as this will produce a wider range of language.

  在Part 1,花4~5分钟的时间回答3~10个题目,每个题目大概花20~90秒完成,不要试图通过放慢说话速度来拉长时间;

  在Part 2,你需要花1~2分钟的时间发表意见,如果你的回答超过时限,口试官会喊停,但你不会因此被扣分;

  在Part 3,口试官会问2~6个题目,你有4~5分钟的时间,每个题目需要40~150秒的时间回答。记住:要视当下的状况而定,好好掌握能充分展现你英文能力的时间。

