Noon-ish – about noon (if you add “–ish” at the end of a time, it means about that time) 中午左右
I still had some clearing up to do – 我还有东西要收拾
In a mess - 杂乱
Getting all my things packed – 整理行李
how can I put it – 怎么说呢
I guess you could say - 应高可以说
Flustered -慌张的 激动不安的
state of mind – 心态
overlook -忽视
I’m kind of hard pressed to think (of…) – 我很难想到… (If you are hard-pressed to do something, you have great difficulty doing it.)
it gives me peace of mind – 让我安心
gone down the drain - 泡汤了, 化为泡影 (another phrase is “gone up in smoke”)
I don’t like things to hang over me - 我讨厌让未做完的工作使我牵肠挂肚
hanging at the back of your mind – (see above)
But saying that – 但话又说回来
Do something haphazardly = do something without care.