​雅思口语Part1高频话题Rainy days雨天范文

2022-06-08 06:32:10

  雅思口语Part1高频话题Rainy days雨天要求考生描述在自己所在的国家中国是否经常下雨,在什么时候下雨比较多等等,针对雨天这个话题怎么答,下面小编为大家带来了雅思口语Part1高频话题Rainy days雨天范文,供大家参考。

  Rainy days

  1. Does it rain much in China(WhereWhen?)

  China really spans too large a geographic area to give an accurate answer to that. Down in the south and closer to the equator where there’s plenty of jungles and rainforests, it practically rains all the time all year around, particularly in the summer. As you go north or further west inland, the frequency of rain reduces.

  2. Is there any part of China where it doesn't rain much?

  Yeah, in the Gobi Desert in the western inland regions of the country. It still rains on occasion, but it's one of the driest regions on Earth. Rain is relatively rare up on the Tibetan plateau as well, partly because it more often than not manifests as snow instead, and I guess the same can be said of places at the northern tip of the country.

  3. When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?

  I live up in the north, close to the capital Beijing, and in a city on the coast. For me, it rains regularly in the summer months, and maybe the late spring as well, but less so in other times. Really, the rain is welcome, since it always accompanies a drop in temperature that can ease the sweltering heat.

  4. In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?

  As far as I'm aware, it's the same for most of the country, and the summer is when rainfall occurs the most. It's hot and the sun causes larger amounts of water to evaporate and accumulate as clouds to come down as rain later, so it makes sense that would be the case.

  5. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your


  Several years ago when I was still in high school, I remember there was once a torrential downpour. The sky turned dark dramatically, and the rain just came pouring. It overwhelmed the city's draining systems, and the streets were so flooded with water that you couldn't tell where the curb ended and where the road began, much less see any road markings.
