
2022-06-09 00:29:11

       雅思口语Part 1的topic pool,我们会被考查日常生活中的方方面面,单看spare time activity这一项,就涵盖了movie,music,travel,reading,sports,dance,photo,shopping等等。接下来就一起来学习今天雅思内容:雅思口语p1话题题库hobby话题~




  如果你想当一位安静的美少年,雅思口语不太适合你。雅思考官们可能更喜欢那些德智体美劳全面发展的“三好文青”,因为纵观雅思口语Part 1的topic pool,我们会被考查日常生活中的方方面面,单看spare time activity这一项,就涵盖了movie,music,travel,reading,sports,dance,photo,shopping等等,所以,如果你爱社交懂艺术,上知天文下知地理古今通史全都了解,可能会跟雅思考官聊得很high。

  不过大家要记住,在面对雅思考官的时候,我们可以成为任何你想成为的人,有着任何你想要的兴趣和爱好,目的就只有一个,开心的跟考官聊天,认真的秀我们的口语。虽说纵观雅思口语的四项评分标准里,“内容的新颖和独创性”不在其中,但是谁喜欢跟一位问什么回答都是No,对任何事物都没有看法的人聊天呢?Anyway,对于Part 1的得分攻略就是:自然流利,把雅思考官当成朋友,真心沟通。下面就以Part 1中一月份的轮换题目dance为例,来跟大家聊一聊。

  Do you like dancing?


  Yeah, definitely! I’m kind of a party animal, and every time I go to a party, I can outlast anyone on the dance floor. It just gives me a real buzz when I dance to the music with heavy beats. Plus, I’m a really good dancer. I’m pretty flexible.

  Party animal是“超级喜欢聚会的人”,outlast在这里面的意思是“在舞池跳到最后一秒钟”,buzz是“强烈的兴奋和愉悦感”,beat用在music语境就是“节奏,节拍”。


  Well, to be honest, not really. I just physically can’t dance, I mean, I’m not coordinated at all, so my movements always look awkward, which is a little embarrassing. But my mom said when I was little, I wasn’t at all self-conscious when I danced to the music in front of others, but I just have no recollection of it.

  Physically can’t dance就是“真的没法跳舞”,毕竟跳舞是要看天分的么。Coordinated是“协调的”,awkward形容动作时表示“很不舒服的,不是很轻松的”,self-conscious表示“很紧张,很在意别人的目光,很不自在”。Have no

  recollection of是“不记得”。

  When was the last time you danced?

  Wow, I honestly can’t remember, ‘cause it’s been a while since I last danced/it was ages ago.

  如果实在记不清了,就可以这么说,毕竟是太久之前的事情,但是如果就在最近,就说说当时的场景就好了,比如where and with whom.

  Where do Chinese people like to go dancing?

  Well, I guess different ago groups have their own preferences. Senior citizens like to go dancing on the public squares, while young people prefer nightclubs or bars.

  考官特别喜欢问Chinese people怎么怎么样,这样不能一概而论的题目,就分类别说喽。

  Part 1还有一些题目大家不用钻牛角尖,因为没有“错误的口语答案”,只有“跑题的口语答案”,大家只要围绕主题作答就OK,不用真的探究答案的准确程度。比如考官会问:do old people sleep a lot, and why?还有why do old people forget about things easily? 不用给出科学的解释,只要合理即可。

  大家对着机经,挨个题目练起来吧!在Part 1考官是会严格按照本本里的问题发问的,不会自己瞎问,请大家放心。一位former IELTS examiner曾经说过:These topics and questions are in the examiner's question book (topic pool), the examiner is not allowed to make his or her own questions in Part 1 test. 所以不要有侥幸心理,一个题目都别马虎哦!

