
2022-06-09 04:49:02


  Which instrument do you like listening to most?

  你可以说出一种以上的乐器,但一定要说出你最喜欢的一种。你可以谈谈自己是否会演奏这种乐器以及/ 或者你最喜欢的演奏者。你还可以描述一下这种乐器的样子。

  I like listening to guitars, especially electric guitars. I love the high- pitched tones they produce. I can’t really say why I like the sound of guitars so much, though. I like listening to violins most of all, especially when the violinist plays a piece of melancholy music. However, I also like it when violinists play something very fast. Vanessa Mae is my favourite violinist. She plays the electric violin most of the time.

  Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?


  Yes. When I was a child, I learnt to play the piano a little. It was my parent’s idea. I liked it, but not very much. I wasn’t disciplined enough to spend time learning how to play it well. I would like to learn to play the guitar, since it’s my favourite musical instrument to listen to, but I don’t think I’ll have either the time or the ability. Never. I like listening to music very much, but I’ve never had the inclination to learn how to play an instrument. Many parents in China want their children to learn to play an instrument, but mine weren’t bothered that I showed no wish to learn.

  Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument at school?


  Yes. I think that it would be good for schools to offer lessons on how to play certain musical instruments. Perhaps schools could teach all children for one year and then the most successful could continue their studies if they wished. No. I think that schools should focus on academic subjects rather than on things like music, drama and sport. If children want to learn how to play musical instruments outside of school, that’s fine —but schools already have so much to teach in a limited amount of time.

  How easy would it be to learn to play a musical instrument without a teacher?


  I think that learning with a teacher is the best way, but that it is definitely possible to learn without one. A friend of mine has learnt to play the guitar quite well without a teacher, but she does say that she would like a teacher so that she could learn faster and better. I would say that it must be almost impossible. I mean, I’m sure that there are people who learn without a teacher, but it must take more time. Besides, a teacher can correct your mistakes and make your learning more efficient. If there’s no one to point out your mistakes, then you’re likely to continue making them, aren‘t you?

