
2022-05-19 21:07:12



  1.Do you keep plants at home?

  I keep a few around, mostly in the form of potted plants that are easy to care for and don’t need a lot of attention. I have a little ball cactus for example, and a few pots of succulent. They add a bit of greenery to the room, and aren't liable to dying if I forget to water them once or twice. Plus, there's no need for special fertilizer either, they seem happy enough just in normal dirt.

  2. What plant did you grow when you were young?

  When I was a kid, I do distinctly remember my parents putting me in charge of well-being of one of our plants. It was intended as a lesson in responsibility, and for me to see the results of effort and consequences of neglect. I don’t know specifically what kind of plant it was, but it was big and leafy, and didn't flower. I did take good care of it though, it certainly didn't die on my watch.

  3. Do you know anything about growing a plant?

  Not much, to be honest. Other than the necessary watering schedule for a particular type of plant that I’m keeping, I'm afraid my flora knowledge is very limited. Even when it comes to the cactus and succulent I keep, I don't really know how much sunlight they prefer or their flowering cycle.

  4. Do Chinese people send plants as gifts?

  Not as far as I'm aware, it's not really a tradition. I have heard of friends gifting each other selections from their own gardens, but that's mostly a middle-aged or elderly kind of thing. People my age generally aren’t into gardening or keeping plants in general, we tend to prefer pets you see, so gifts of plants would be wasted.
