雅思口语机经part3题目 :Room

2022-06-06 01:46:35

  雅思机经又称雅思民间雅思答案题 库,是参加雅思考试的同学对考试题目的回忆。 雅思是是一种较全面地针对听说读写四项能力的 、为打算到英语国家学习、工作或定居的人们设 置的英语水平考试。

  这些机经回忆中,写作和口语部分 对备考雅思的考生帮助很大。另外,有人研究雅 思历年考题,半年题库变更一次,研究同半年的 机经,是完全可以遇到重复题目的。



  雅思口语机经part3题目 :Room

  What kind of room will be ideal for you?

  How often do you tidy your room?

  What are the differences between the rooms in city and a village?

  What is the difference between your room and other rooms in your house?

  Do you think that rooms in the future will be a lot different from now?

  How are they going to change and why?

  Do you know you neighbors?

  What sort of people are they?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with parents?

  What sort of living environment is the best for children?

  What are the advantages of having a private room?

  What are the advantages of sharing a room with others?

  How do people decorate their rooms to show their personalities?


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