雅思口语机经答题辅导part3:traffic jam

2022-06-05 23:36:51

  雅思机经是考生们对参加过的雅思考试中题目的回忆与总结,雅思考试有一个庞大的题库供出题使用。因此,机经能帮助考生熟悉雅思出题规律,针对 性的备考。

  下面小编推出雅思口语考试中的高频话题:Do you prefer traveling by car or by bus? Compare traveling by car and traveling by bus.并给出要点提示和结构示例。


  IELTS-S-JJ-Part3-Event-traffic jam

  题目一:Do you prefer traveling by car or by bus? Compare traveling by car and traveling by bus.

  1. 结构提示

  In my opinion, …

  Cars are more…

  While buses provide…

  2. 要点提示

  Car: fast/convenient/private

  Bus: group/happy/economic

  题目二:Which vehicles are more likely to be in a traffic jam, cars or buses? Do you think you would feel differently in a traffic jam if you were in a bus, compared to being in a car?

  1. 结构提示

  I think … are more likely to be in a traffic jam, because…

  In addition, …

  If I were in a bus/car, I would feel…

  However, …

  2. 要点提示

  Cars: flexible/private space

  Buses: more people

  题目三:What do you think of people who always drive their cars, even when they could just as easily use public transportation?

  1. 结构提示

  I think we should respect other people’s choices, but I somehow won’t support such ideas.

  To my understanding, they do so simply…

  Or they are just trying to…

  I think everybody should be aware of…

  2. 要点提示

  Privacy/symbol of status/independent


