雅思口语 PART 2范文---Shoes

2022-06-03 14:51:12



  1.How many shoes do you have?

  Well, I am a shopaholic and I adore shopping for shoes but I don’t know theexact amount of them since I have never counted them, however I do sort theminto different categories according to different seasons, and various occasionslike formal ones and informal ones.

  2.Where do you shop for shoes?

  Sometimes I go to the mall for the shoe shopping coz I think I have to trythe shoes in person and feel them by walking around and I usually take one ofmy friends with me so I can let them give me some advice when I am having ahard time on choosing the colors, I also go on line shopping as well since theyhave a massive selection of shoes plus the price is always cheaper than theones in the shopping malls.

  3.What kinds of shoes do you like?

  Personally I am in to high heels because I wear dresses for the most ofthe time and high heels can make the best of them to agree with differentdresses, I wear flats occasionally when I am at school for they match the baggyschool uniforms and they are always good for out-door activities like joggingand mountain climbing.

  4.Do you like shopping shoes or clothes?

  Well, I’d say both, because when I go shopping I often buy the whole setof the clothing since the clothes must go with the right shoes, high heels fordresses and trainers for jeans etc, and I will have this great matching theoryas an excuse for buying more things, after choosing the clothes and shoes Ialso pick the bags to go with all of them, I believe that’s why shopping can beso exciting and time consuming.

  5. Do you prefer comfortable shoes orpretty shoes?

  Isuppose that’s a really tricky question since comfortableness andattractiveness of shoes hardly co-exist. Comfortable shoes are usually flats ortrainers though you can find some pretty ones but for girls it is always thehigh heels that can express the physical charm of a lady especially in formal occasions like parties and dates, however high heels kill, honestly, I wentshopping with my high heels once and those pretty ones became disaster and atthe end of the day I just couldn’t feelmy feet.
