
2022-06-04 20:47:05

  雅思机经是考生们对参加过的雅思考试中题目的回忆与总结,雅思考试有一个庞大的题库供出题使用。 因此,机经能帮助考生熟悉雅思出题规律,针对性的备考。


a building of school Is there any difference between the buildings in primary schools and secondary schools? What are they?
What’s the difference between school buildings in the city and in the country side?
a foreign country Using your experience, how do you know that country? Which part of that country interests you the most?
What’s the difference between staying at home and travelling?
Do you have foreign friends or teachers? How did they introduce the foreign country?
a monument Why are monuments important? Should we protect the monuments, why?
What is the difference between old buildings and modern buildings?
a place near water What rivers do you have in your country? What kind of activities do people usually do near water?
What benefits can people get from living near water?
Do you enjoy being close to the ocean? Are there any disadvantages (or dangers) to living at the seaside?
How do you think we could protect the ocean environment? Do you think the world should work together to protect the oceans? What is the importance of saving water?
apartment What sort of houses do people live in today? How are houses today different from the houses of the past?
What sort of technology is used to build houses today? What sort of technology do you think will be used in the houses of the future?
Where do you want to live in the future? What factors affect people's decisions to live where they do?
Which room/furniture do you like most in your apartment? Is there anything you want to change in your apartment? Why?
When do you want to change furniture? Does people like changing furniture? What are your considerations when buying furniture?
Do you prefer small apartment or big apartment? Why?
hometown Would you say your hometown is suitable for children to grow up in? How is your city now different from twenty years ago?
What's the weather usually like in your hometown? Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?
What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown? What's the most attractive part of your hometown? Is there anything worth visiting in your hometown?
Where do you live at the moment (if not living in your hometown now)? Do you like the place you are living in now? Why? / Why not? Do you think you'll always live there?
hotel How have hotels changed in recent years? Is the hotel industry an important part of China’s economy?
What facilities should a good hotel have? What could be done to improve the level of service in hotels?
What kind of people/personal qualities are best suited to work in a hotel
library How do you think the libraries can encourage people to go there often?
What kind of skills should a librarian possess? What kind of people should help build a library?
Is there a library in every school? Why? Should there be a free library in every city? Why? What are the advantages of a school library compared to a city library?
museum What kind of museums are the most popular in China? Do you have any suggestion about how to make the museums more attractive to people? How can new technologies make improvement to the museums?
What are the differences between exhibitions for children and exhibitions for adults? What are the advantages for children to visit museums?
room What kind of room will be ideal for you? How often do you tidy your room?
What are the differences between the rooms in the city and a village? What is the difference between your room and other rooms in your house?
Do you think that rooms in the future will be a lot different from now? How are they going to change and why?
Do you know your neighbors? What sort of people are they?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with parents? What sort of living environment is the best for children?
What are the advantages of sharing a room with others? What are the advantages of having a private room?
school What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a part time job while at school overseas?
What should the government do to improve the education system in China? If China can afford it, do you think more money should be spent on teachers and facilities in school?
Do you think school fees will increase in the future? Do you think there are going to be fewer exams?
shopping center Why are there a lot of big stores? What are the main differences between big ones and small ones when you go shopping? Do you think small stores will disappear in the future?
What do you think of online shopping? What do you think of the use of credit cards?
What is the best way to bargain? What are the main differences between the bargain shops and others?
Are there any pickpockets in your city? What should we do with this people? What should we do to stop shoplifting?
Do girls like shopping more than boys do? What are the differences between girls and boys when they go shopping?
Are there any duty free shops in your city? Do you go there? Are there any 24 hours shops in your country? How is the business of most of the shops in your city? What kinds of shops are popular in your city?
