
2022-06-14 18:54:09

  大家好,9月开始已经出了雅思口语的新题。 首先我给大家来解析第二部分一个漂亮或者帅气的人 (describe a beautiful or handsome person)。最后附上10月2日部分考生回忆。







  以下词组可供参考用于描述漂亮的概念(切记没必要刻意去太多描述脸型等一些身体特征哦):stunning face 惊人的脸

  attractive 迷人的

  drop-dead beautiful 很漂亮

  can’t get her eyes out of my head 忘不了她

  love at the first sight 意见钟情

  crystal-clear 水晶般的明亮(眼睛)

  have good taste in fashion 有很好的时尚品味

  fashion conscious 有时尚品味的

  decent 得体的

  pretty 漂亮的


  Benefits of Online Shopping

  1. Lower prices. Online shopping can reduce overhead costs in a variety of ways, which can translate to lower prices for you. In fact, one 2004 study found online prices to be 6 to 16 percent lower than offline prices.

  2. More savings with online coupons. Many times, shoppers can save even further with an online coupon or coupon code. According to a 2005 Bizrate/Shopzilla report, 71 percent of online shoppers said they were able to find better discount offers and sales online, as compared to shopping through a catalog or traditional retail merchant.

  3. Research capabilities. The Internet allows you to easily compare products and prices, so you can be sure that the item you purchase is the exact item you want. Online stores give you the ability to share information and reviews with other shoppers who have firsthand experience with a product or retailer.

  4. Increased selection. As a consumer, you can avoid the inconvenience of physically traveling among online stores to comparison shop. A simple online search can lead you to the right product at the right price, fast.

  5. Convenience. An online store allows you to shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So you can shop at your leisure, regardless of your time zone. The elderly, as well as parents of young children, for example, may have a more relaxed shopping experience in front of the computer screen.

  6. Environmental Benefits. Recent studies are showing that shopping online leads to reduced fuel consumption and air pollution, because so much of our car travel is dedicated to shopping. Plus, shopping online reduces the need for print catalogs and excess packaging.

  Disadvantages of Online Shopping


  Credit card fraud is one of the most common types of fraud in online shopping. Every time you use your credit card for an online purchase, you run the risk of credit card fraud.


  In online shopping buyers are required to provide their personal information, there is a high chance that this information may be misused by unscrupulous elements. Some of these sites take your personal data and sell them to other marketing sites that bombard you with their offers.

  Item Issues

  Some items are not returnable. Some are used or damaged when they are shipped. These are just nature of online transactions that can be dealt with by being a little careful while transacting.

  Time for Delivery

  In online shopping buyers can buy item from any part of the world, this may take some extra time in delivery of the item, as even though the transaction happens instantly the item has to physically travel to you.

  以下是10月2日部分烤鸭的实战回忆, 请参考哦

part1:工作还是学习,为什么选择这个工作,喜欢照相吗?喜欢用手机照相还是相机照相?经常给谁照相。Part2: 描述一个校友. Part3:现在人们交友容易还是难,网上交友可信吗?
Part1: 学习,最喜欢的老师,是否和老师有联系,以后要当老师吗?最喜欢的颜色,车的颜色重要吗?房间想要涂什么颜色?Part2: 历史景点。Part3:中国人喜欢什么样的历史古迹,年轻人喜欢什么,为什么不喜欢政府应该保护古迹吗,我们怎么发现古迹?
Part1: 专业,喜欢做家务吗, 小时候经常做家务吗,机器人做家务你怎么看?Part2:描述一个在公司或者商店里得到的好建议。Part3:团队合作需要什么样的特质,产品不好了公司会怎么办, 公司如何保证产品不坏,如何做后续的服务。
Part1: 你和周围的人熟不熟,一星期中你最喜欢那一天,最忙的是哪一天,平常都多什么,会做重复的事情吗Part2:有用的建议。Part3:中国人听别人的建议吗,爸妈的还是朋友的,为什么孩子要听父母的建议呢?
Part1: 家乡,想买的衣服的类型。Part2:想得到的一个奖。Part3:让孩子过早的参加竞争好不好。
湖北大学,Part1个人情况,学生还是工作,毕业以后去工作还是什么。跟朋友接触多不多,主要做什么。去哪里购物,大商场还是小商店,上一次买东西是啥。Part2  手工礼物
Part3 人们喜欢收手工礼物么,与机器做的比,更贵么,人们通常送哪些手工礼物
Part1: 地图,你使用地图吗,电子还是纸质的好,你喜欢什么样的食物,什么时候吃。Part2:描述一个有趣的工作。Part3:为什么人们喜欢在城市里找工作,喜欢在大公司还是小公司,公司应该提供员工培训课程吗?

