
2022-05-30 14:18:40

  9月是雅思口语变题季,雅思口语题库约50%的内容会有变化。50%的新题由老题回库题及老题改编题(30%)+ 全新题目(20%)构成,本文为2018年9-12月雅思口语Part1&2&3新题库【可下载】,无论是旧题还是新题,请考生都复习全面,重视思路展开以及用词等方面的训练。


  1. Are parks important in china?

  Yes, it's very important. Air pollution is a serious problem in China today. The green plants in the park can absorb pollutants from the air and achieve the function of purifying the air. In addition, parks can also provide playground for children and parents. And parks will have a beneficial effect on health. At the same time, the park provides a large number of green areas, and builds a society where people and nature co-exist harmoniously.

  2. Are there many parks in china?

  Yes, there are many parks in China. Air pollution has become an environmental issue that people care about. The Chinese government encourages local governments to expand urban green space in order to solve automobile exhaust and industrial waste gas. Therefore, the number of parks is increasing.

  3. Why do people who live in cities like parks?

  On the one hand, parks can provide residents with places for exercise and social, which bring many benefits to their health. On the other hand, people living in cities are under a variety of pressures. There is no place to relax and relieve stress. Therefore, the park provides a quiet and natural environment for residents.

