
2022-06-06 07:22:36


  在托福口语四道综合话题里,Task 5是唯一一道允许发表自己观点的复述题。我们先来看OG中考官告诉我们这道题需要答什么:

  Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you would recommend and explain why.


  The reasons you give for your preference can include information provided by the speakers in their discussion as well as your own experiences. For example, if your own experience with a similar or related problem is relevant to your choice of one solution over the other, you may draw on that experience when explaining your reasons.


  大多数少男少女恐惧托福口语的一个原因就是想不出理由。好不容易结束了Task 1、2两道头疼的自由发挥题,又来了一个需要给出自己理由的综合话题实在是累觉不爱。其实善良的ETS已经在听力对话的解决方案中为大家埋下了一个小思路,也就是利用你所选择方案的弊端,说服考官此弊端没什么大不了。


  TPO 34

  Problem: wants to join a weekend trip to Canada with class but forgot to apply for passport

  S1: 3-page paper – not hard; but will miss a lot of fun

  S2: go to passport office and apply one – doable; but $150 is expensive

  不能粗去玩还要写paper,S1简直惨无人性,应广大少男少女的要求,我们选S2作为解决方案。这个方案的弊端叫做 “太贵了”。这是一个经常出现在Task 5方案里的缺点项,因为北美大学生活还是比较费钱的嘛 (比如平时开开趴体,周末去趟坎昆等等类似与学习相关的事情),因此这个选项的弊端还是非常好理解的。那么既然这是我们所推荐的解决方案,去说服考官此方案在听力里提到的弊端非常容易解决,也当然是很符合逻辑的。因此在这道题里,我们自己想出的理由就是: money is not a problem.

  就像之前提到的,北美大学生校园生活是很丰富的,学校也会提供不少让学生勤工俭学的机会,front desk receptionist, waitressing at coffee shop, teaching assistant of the program, etc. 只要说出能赚钱来报销这$150,根据own experience找到的理由就顺理成章的出来了:

  “Although applying last minute and pay $150 can seem a little expensive, I don't think it’s gonna be a problem for him because he could get a part-time job on campus to earn the money. l’m sure he’ll find something like front desk receptionist of the admission office, or teaching assistantin the lab, and that’ll solve the money problem.”

  以上就是我们根据听力原文,推导出的既符合逻辑,又很容易脑补的找理由方法,我们管它叫: 推翻负项法,即Although 所选项负, it’s not gonna be a problem because the student can这么解决.

  正在备考刷题的同学会发现,在TPO 1-34中,“too expensive”这个负项反复出现. 我们再来做一套,看看推翻负项法是否同样好用:

  TPO 16

  Problem: couldn’t get the book for reading assignment

  S1: place a rush order – get the book in two days; but rush order delivery is expensive

  S2: share the copy with the woman – read in turns could work; may get behind of reading if the other person didn’t finish reading

  当我们听到听力中solution 1的关键词 “expensive”,大家应该和我一样按捺不住心中的喜悦,再加上有轻微洁癖的各位少男少女读自己的书才会更快乐,solution 1自然就成了我们的完美推荐方案。我们来根据之前总结的办法,很快的脑补一下推荐理由:

  “Although the rush order delivery could spend twice as money, I don’t think that’s gonna be a problem for him,because he could easily earn the money back by doing some part-time job on campus, like front desk receptionist of the admission office, or teaching assistant in the lab, and that’ll solve the money problem.”

