
2022-06-08 00:18:31



  Task 3


  Now listen to two students discussing the article.

  Student A:

  What’s on earth is the university thinking?

  Student B:

  Eh, what do you mean?

  Student A:

  Well, those building aren’t just used for classes. That’s where my evening study

  group usually meets.

  Student B:

  Oh, of course that’s true, but you could go to the library instead.

  Student A:

  Yeah, but the library only has a few rooms that people can use for group meetings, which is why classrooms have been so convenient. But now if it’s winter and cold, where can we go?

  Student B:

  Right, in the middle of winter, forget it or even if it’s just kind of cold out.

  Student A:

  It’d be pretty unpleasant.

  Student B:

  But still they obviously have to do something about the situation.

  Student A:

  Oh, I agree. They have to do something but they should find a solution that isn’t so

  disruptive to academic nevertheless.

  Student B: Such as? Student A:

  Well, for one if they replaced all those old windows, they are so drafty, they let the cold in and if they insulated the buildings better, these are really old building. Charing but.

  Student B:

  But not at all enegy-efficent. Yeah, you are probably right.

  Student A:

  There are some really basic improvements they could make that’d make a huge

  difference in the long term that could solve the problem and still leave us somewhere to study.

  Task 4


  Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a business management class.


  Ok, so we’ve been talking about starting a business. Let’s say I want to open up a pizza restaurant. Well, I know how tough it is to make new business succeed and I want to a sure thing so I contact a big company that owns a chain of pizza places. Let’s say it’s called “pizza town” and I pay for the rights to call my restaurant “pizza

  town” and to sell “pizza town” special one-of-a-kind pizza. Now since everyone’s

  heard of “pizza town”, it’s really popular, I don’t have to worry about whether people will want to eat my pizza or not. I already know this pizza will sell well because it’s a known thing and that means that there’s a better chance my business will succeed.

  Now in exchange for being able to call my restaurant “pizza town”, I have to agree to run the business the “pizza town” way. And pizza town trains me to do this. They show me how to do everything---how to make my pizzas taste like “pizza town” pizzas, how to advertise, even how to make my store look like a “pizza town”. Now this means that I don’t have a lot of freedom of choice in the way I run my business, but in a lot of way s this is great for me. After all, “pizza town” way generally

  works----they sell a lot of pizza.

  Task 5


  Now listen to a conversation between students of biology.

  Student A:

  Are you still working in Professor Green’s laboratory?

  Student B:

  Yeah, he’s been supervising my research on eating behavior in mice.

  Student A:

  Sounds interesting.

  Student B:

  It’s fascinating. I’ve got a few more observations and experiments to do. It’s another

  three months of work and then I will start writing my paper.

  Student A:

  Whoa, sounds like it will be a great paper.

  Student B:

  Thanks, I hope so. There is a problem though.

  Student A: What? Student B:

  Professor Green’s been invited to teach at a university in France for a semester and

  obviously I still need a lot of help with the project.

  Student A:

  What are you going to do?

  Student B:

  Well, Professor Green suggested Professor Baker that I could work with another.

  Student A:

  Oh, I’ve heard of her. Professor Baker is quite famous.

  Student B:

  Yeah, but I don’t know her at all and my research isn’t in her area of expertise. She

  works with fish, my work ‘s on mice, not exactly the best match.

  Student A:

  Well, you get to know her eventually and she’s a great biologist so she’s still be able to help you even if your topic isn’t exactly her specialty. She may give you some new

  perspective on your work.

  Student B:

  I know, I am considering, but still I am thinking about asking professor Green if he could agree to advise me long distance.

  Student A:

  That’s a though. You think he will do it?

  Student B:

  He probably would but I don’t know if it’s a good idea. I mean he could always look at my data and read my write-ups through my E-mail. But the thing is he wouldn’t be here to supervise my experiments.

  Student A:

  Yeah, well I am sure you’ll figure out the best thing to do.

  Task 6


  Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class


  When people are in difficult situations, sometimes they experience feelings of helplessness or psychological pain. So what’ll they do? They unconsciously use strategies called defense mechanisms to protect themselves psychologically from their painful emotions.

  Let’s say a woman has a pet dog. She’s had his dog for a long time and he’s kept her company and guarded her for years. But one day he runs away. This woman looks everywhere and asks other people if they’ve seen her do but she just can’t find him. Now she feels helpless and sad because she misses her dog. So she’ll unconsciously find ways to deal with her painful feelings.

  One defense mechanism she might use is fantasy. With fantasy, the woman uses her imagination. So instead of just feeling helpless and sad about her lost dog, she invents a happy story in her mind. She might imagine that a nice family found him and feels him and that he is really happy with them. She will picture the dog playing, running around, having fun. Because of this fantasy, she doesn’t have to feel sad about her do running away. It’s a fantasy. It’s not real but it keeps her pain away.

  Another defense mechanism she might use is what we call sublimation. Sublimation

  is different from fantasy because sublimation isn’t about pretending. It’s about turning negative emotions into something useful, practical. So the woman might start a dog training school. That way, by training dogs, perhaps she can help prevent other people’s dogs from running away like hers did. In other words, with sublimation as a

  defense mechanism, the woman redirects her negative feeling about losing her dog into a positive constructive activity.

