
2022-05-19 14:58:23


  Changes & Developments 变化和发展

  1. 6 If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.



  更加快乐 

  更加健康 


  相关题目:[52]、[141]、[165]都可以选择改变其环境。这些题目实际上可以用一篇文章应对。 6、一个重要的改变就是改变环境,让它变的更好

  (1)环境好能改善人的身体健康,很多人因为环境而生病 (2)环境好了,吸引更多的游客来旅游


  I live in Shenyang, the capital city of Liaoning Province in China, which is a large industrial city. If you ask me to change one thing about my hometown,I'd like to change its environmet,because firstly,better environment may improve the health situation in the city,and there will be fewer illnesses caused by bad environmet.Secondly,a good environment condition may attract more tourists from other places.

  Dalian did a good job in this a spect,and I believe my hometown may to the same.Finally,environmental improvement will foster economic devlopment too,which will attract investments to may hometown.And I think that's really a good thing.

  2.118 Some people enjoy change,and the look forward to new experiences,Others like their lives to stay the same,and they do not change their usual habits,Compare these two approaches to life.Which approach do you prefer?Explain why.


  可以采取it depends的策略。要看是针对什么事情,才会有具体的选择。


  (1)有了改变,有新的经历,才能学到更多的知识 (2)才能认识更多的朋友。


  3. ■159 The twentieth century saw great change. In your opinion, what is one change that should be remembered about the twentieth century? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.



  159 信息技术的变化 (1)提高了效率 (2)增加了交流 (3)节省了成本

  4. ■178 The twenty-first century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer.



  (1)环境对人身体健康有利。人们都会自觉地保护环境。越来越多的人会去种树,做志愿者来保护环境。 (2)环境对吸引旅游有利,所以政府都会投入大量的资金进行环境保护


  5. ■52 What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

  参考分析:改变其环境。 参见:[16] 52、改变环境污染,与前题重

  6. ■165 You have decided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the community where you live. What is one thing you will do to improve your community? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.


  165、教老年人计算机 (1)给他们知识。 (2)给他们更多的娱乐 (3)能够让他们更好的与世界交流
