
2022-05-25 05:13:54


  一、Task 5考什么

  从某种程度上来说,Task 5是综合型题目里比较好拿分数的一个部分。新托福口语考试第五题属于校园场景,要求考生就大学生遇到的问题提出解决方法。在这个部分中,考生将听到一段发生于两名学生,或者学生与教授,或学生与在校职工之间的对话,时长约为60-90秒,没有阅读内容。在对话中,通常涉及其中一位学生遇到的问题,两人会就此问题进行讨论,进而得出两个解决方法,但是有问题的那一方没有办法确定哪一种解决方案比较有效。



  1. The students discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.

  2. Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then say which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


  二、Task 5评分标准




  上文已经提到,口语考试第五题考生会听到一段对话,对话中会有其中一人遇到棘手的问题,之后两人会讨论两种解决方案。在新托福口语考试中,考生其实是有规律可以依循的,对话中会有非常清晰的提示告知考生哪一个是遇到问题的主角。例如,考生会听到:“I’ve got a problem”、“I’d like to…but…”或“I have trouble”等较为明显的提示句。而在讨论解决方案时,也会出现如“If I were you, I would…”、“What you should do is…”及“Why not try…”等句型,让考生可以非常直观地找出解决方案。


  Student A: Hi, good morning! Could you help me with something?

  Student B: Uh…maybe. What’s up?

  Student A: Well, I’m a first year student.

  Student B: Everything going okay?

  Student A: Actually no…um…this is a little embarrassing. I think I left my class schedule back in my dorm.

  Student B: Um…not a good thing to do on the first day of classes.

  Student A: Yeah… so I’m not sure where my class is. I think I remember it was supposed to be here in Smith Hall.

  Student B: There is a computer for student use in the student center. You can go over there, look it up and check the room number. But…you’d have to hurry.

  Student A: Hm… that’s not a bad idea. I could check my schedule for the whole rest of the day at the same time. I don’t know where any of my other classes are either, but I don’t wanna be late, make a bad impression with the professor on the first day. It’s actually my very first class—Introduction to Psychology.

  Student B: Psychology? Oh! Okay, you’re definitely in the right building. And if it’s Introduction to Psychology, it’s gonna be a big class, in which case it probably meets in a big lecture hall. There are only three lecture halls in the building, one on every floor. Just check each floor till you find yours. There is an elevator, so you should be able to move fast.

  Student A: Yeah, but I don’t know what the professor looks like or anything. How will I know whether it’s my class or not? It’d be sort of embarrassing, sticking my head into each lecture hall, asking if I was in the right place.

  Student B: Well…you might luck out and find it the first time.

  虽然我们上文说,口语第五题是综合型题目中相对简单的,但是这也是基于考生可以听懂对话的基础上。在此对话中,学生A在开篇就说“Could you help me with something?”, 考生听到此句的时候,就该警惕,关键句将至。在此学生支吾几句后,就把问题陈述出来:“I think I left my class schedule back in my dorm.”。考生需要注意的是,有的时候其中一个话语者讲完问题后,另一个人很有可能会不废话,直接讲出其中的一个解决方案。如上文中B学生就直接给出提议:“There is a computer for student use in the student center. You can go over there, look it up and check the room number.”。

  考生需注意,在解决方案出现后,有问题的话语者通常也会将此解决方案的缺点讲出:“but I don’t wanna be late, make a bad impression with the professor on the first day.”因此,另外一人才会继续讨论第二个解决方案:“Just check each floor till you find yours.” 考生也需要将其相对应的缺点找出,即:“but I don’t know what the professor looks like or anything. How will I know whether it’s my class or not?” 以上则为第五题听力里面考生需要挑选出来的重点。如果考生能够将上述几点把握好,那么结合了自己的选择和理由后,就不难拿到理想的分数了。下面我们来看一篇高分例文。

  The man didn’t take his class schedule with him and it’s his first day in the college, so he couldn’t find his classroom. The woman offers two possible solutions. The first solution is that he can go to use the computer in the computer center to check the schedule. But it’ll take some time to go there and he doesn’t want to be late for his first class. The second solution is that he can just go to big classrooms in the building to check which one is the class he is going to take. But he thinks it’ll be embarrassing if he goes into a classroom and asks if he is in the right room. I would recommend him to go to the computer center, since he didn’t take his class schedule, it’s necessary to check all classes for the whole day. Maybe he’ll be late for his first class, but at least he won’t feel embarrassed for the rest of the day.

  此范文逻辑清晰,包含了听力里面的所有细节点,亦可以为考生提供一定的回答模板:总结问题—过渡句讲明有两个解决方案--第一个解决方案+缺点--第二个解决方案+缺点--个人立场+原因。而且在考生自己讲述立场的原因时,也借用了听力原文里面出现过的原因:check all classes for the whole day。这也为广大考生提供了一个信息:给出自己原因时,可以不拘泥是否为原文这个问题,哪怕是听力原文里的内容,考生依旧可以借鉴。也不难看出,第五题想拿高分,不必过于纠结句型的问题,只要能把听力里面的点讲清楚即可。





  此外,在第五题中,虽说句型并不是评分的主导,考生还是要适时的加一些亮眼的句型出来吸引一下考官的耳朵。由于在总结听力内容时时间紧迫,考生可以在陈述自己的选择及原因时适当增加些句型。尤其是在陈述自己的选择时,可使用高分句型:if引导的条件状语从句,例如:If I were the girl, I would do…或名词性从句:What I think the girl should do is…都不失为加分句型。

  最后,Practice makes perfect. 考生须结合上文的注意事项,多加练习,通过坚持不懈的努力,取得理想的成绩。

