
2022-06-09 09:24:48


  Reading Part:

  Method of Loci

  Special techniques, or memory devices, are often used to help us recall information. Onetechnique, the method of loci (i.e., method of location), is particularly helpful for rememberingseveral pieces of information in a particular order. To use this technique, we first imagine afamiliar place such as a building or an outdoor area. This familiar place should have a series oflandmarks or locations within it that we can imagine walking past in a predictable ,logicalorder. Once the landmarks have been identified in a given order, we assign one piece of theinformation that we want to later recall to each location. The information should be assigned inthe order in which we want to remember it. To later recall the new information in order, weimagine walking through the familiar place, recalling what is stored at each location along theway.


  Using the professor’s example, explain how the method of loci is used to recall informationin sequence.

