
2022-06-11 03:55:58



  人写信建议让学生提前知道textbook list,原因一:留出时间让同学们去买便宜的书 原因二:可以提前做reading assignment

  对话中男生同意这个观点 第一 学校书店很贵,有便宜的书也很快卖完了。所以这个proposal可以给学生省钱,让他们去网上买到便宜的书 第二 每个学期一开始总是很忙啊,所以学生可以提前做准备,读一些书



  Modern literature has become more and more popular, so the university has adopted two approaches to enroll more students. The first way is to change small classrooms into bigger ones, the second way is have more session in the evening.

  The man disagrees with this. Firstly because it is more convenient to have group discussions in small classroom, secondly because some students have part time jobs in the evening, they may lack time to attend the class.



  The student suggests the school change a room to a student lounge。 Because it’s convenient for student to rest and place their textbooks

  The man disagrees with this proposal.



  女生同意。取消的话学生会有很多绿地来hang out, 而且这样可以缓解交通问题,方便学生骑自行车。


  学校要给creative Writing program增加interview的policy

  第一点锻炼表达能力、第二点evaluate work as a group的能力


  第二点:group的能力不是一个interview就能看出来的,举她之前的例子,她在一个Writing class里面group work一开始没人愿意说话,后来几个星期以后都开始说话了,讨论的很好。


  学校说要限制大一学生选课,这样他们可以参加更多活动,享受大学生活,同时有更多时间学习 research skills 。男的赞成这个计划,原因一,他大一的时候选了五门课,没时间参加club ,现在参加的club都是大二时候加入的,限制大一选课,能使他们多参加社团活动。原因二,他大一的时候根本不知道怎么写论文,怎么在图书馆查资料,限制选课后大一新生就能关注这些事了,对他们学术有好处.



  Reading: Campus newspaper

  The university is planning to offer internship for students who majored in journalism. It takes 20 hours per week and helps the students gain professional experience. It can also replace one course of journalism.


  The woman agrees with this plan.

  On the one hand, as a journalism student, having real work experience is quite important and it’s good for the resume.

  On the other hand, it can replace one compulsory course,which helps to save time and she can choose other subjects to learn.



  R: The furniture of library is too old, the university is going to buy some new furniture and replace the old ones. The new furniture will make students more comfortable and then attract more students to come to the library.

  L: The woman holds a negative attitude towards it.

  1) Firstly, she says that the coaches are too soft and people will fall asleep easily. It is a bad way to concentrate on studying.

  2) Furthermore, she says the reason why students do not like to come to the library has nothing to do with the furniture. Many students can not find available power plugs when they have to use computers.



  R: There is a proposal that the theater assistants should be paid and trained.

  L: The man holds a positive attitude towards it.

  1) Firstly, he says that most assistants have their main job. For example, one of his friends gave up the rehearsal because it conflicts with his boss's job.

  2) Furthermore, he says the training will help the assistants work better. Some professional staffs teach the assistant how to use the equipments will also improve the quality of the play.



  R: There is a statement on newspaper that require Spanish students live in the school instead of outside. The first reason is that living outside is too expensive and the dormitories are much cheaper. The second reason is that living in the dormitories help students get along with Spanish students and also practice their language study.

  L: The woman holds a negative attitude towards it. She complains that this is not a good policy.

  1) Firstly, she says that living outside is not that expensive. For example, her sister found a homestay which is close to the school and also very cheap.

  2) Furthermore, she says the students live together will only hang out, which will not help the language study.

