
2022-05-28 22:12:39


  Task one


  If your friends’ family member were sick, what would you do to comfort him?


  Well, I think I would do the following things to comfort him: first, have a long conversation with him; coz companion is the best therapy for a distressed person; and listening to his worries and anxiety patiently surely helps alleviate his bad energy. Second, I will encourage him to ask for a leave and go back to see his family. If that is inconvenient, I would then suggest him attend some special activities, like joining parties or taking a short trip abroad, coz those activities will help to divert his attention and boost up spirit.

  Task Two


  Agree or disagree: Students should be given one-year-long holiday before entering universities.


  Well, I agree that senior students take a gap year before entering college. First, the good thing about a gap year is that you can slow down, and think over what you want to achieve in your 4-year college. In China, students are usually burned out especially after the fiercely competing national college entrance exam; so one gap year will definitely help them to unwind and adjust to the upcoming college life in a better way; second, during the one year, they can travel abroad, take some internship or part time, any of those experiences can help them to have a much clearer goal about future and ensure a better performance in college.

  Task Three


  标题:Create A Sidewalk Across the Main Lawn






  The university plans to/A student proposes that the university should create a sidewalk across the main lawn because the unpaved road gets students shoes muddy on rainy days and makes the lawn unattractive. The man/woman does not think that it is a good idea. Firstly,students can keep their shoes clean on rainy days if they choose other roads rather than the unpaved road. Actually students get multiple routes that they can take if they do not take the unpaved road and in this way, students do not get their shoes messy on rainy days. Secondly, the unpaved road looks natural than the hard surface of cement, which can help students to relax and get closer to nature during the interval between classes.

  Task Four


  标题:Environmental impact Assessment

  定义:在实施建筑项目(construction projects)的时候,要考虑工程对于环境的影响,如果影响是负面的,则需要对项目进行调整


  例子:一家建筑公司( construction company)考虑在一片湿地( wet land)上修建一座大型的购物中心。修建之前,该公司先对当地做了一个社会调查,调查发现如果修建购物中心则会破坏当地的湿地,因此该公司最后放弃了在当地修建购物中心的计划,而换到了其他地点。

  Environmental impact assessment means that when a construction project is carried out, the possible impact of that project on the environment should be taken into consideration. If there is a negative impact, the project should be readjusted. The professor uses the example of a construction company to illustrate this concept. The company planned to build a shopping mall on a wetland. Before the out the project, the wetland would be destroyed. which would pose an irreversible negative impact on the local environment. As a result, the company' s plan of building a shopping mall on the wetland was aborted and the shopping mall was built somewhere else.

  Task Five

  问题:男生想去参加art festival,但是他的paper还没有完成







  The man wants to attend an an festival, but he has finished his paper yet I recommend that he should finish his paper later in the evening after he comes back from the festival rather than write the paper on the coach.Although it will be a little bit late when he comes back. He can still stay up late and work hard with all the time he hasgot1 believe that he will have enough energy to pull that off since people usually get too excited to be sleepy when they come back from activities like an art festival. What' s more the ticket to the coach is way too expensive for the man to afford because as a student he does not have any sources of personal in come. That`s why lam not very impressed with the second solution.

  Task Six

  话题:创办一个新的公司或企业面临着许多进入壁垒( entry barrier),进入壁垒主要有两种类型

  要点1:第种进入壁垒是经济壁垒( financial barrier)


  要点2:第二种进入壁垒是客户忠诚度(customer loyalty)


  The professor ta[ks about two types of entry barriers which business owners meet when they build a new company or an enterprise. The first type of er1ty barriers falls into the category of financial barriers. For example when one person wants to open a gym, the business owner needs a large amount of money to purchase all kinds of equipment that are typical in a regular gym. The second type of entry barriers is customer loyalty Let`s revisit the gym. In the area where the new gym will locate there is a well-established gym which is popular among the locals. If the business owner plans to open another gym. it will be difficult to attract the existing customers of other gyms The above are the two types of entry barriers.

