
2022-05-29 12:14:19



  Would you like to travel to the moon if you had the chance?

  Sample Answer:I’m sure what others would like to do. I would definitely grab everything that I need and get on the space ship the minute I get the ticket! It would be a really nice chance for me to experience the excitement of getting to know the real truth about that mysterious planet. You know, people have been talking about how the weather and landscape of the moon are like, creating so many scientific fictions. A trip to the moon is the key to satisfying everyone’s curiousness about it. When it comes to the safety of travelling there, it is not a matter bothering me, since technologies that make that possible would have been already mature in the future.


  A/D: It is important to live with families.

  Sample Answer: Living with families seems quite beneficial to me. It is, obviously, economical, at least when I’m still studying in the university without any stable source of income. Since I don’t have to pay extra rents, the money saved can be used to do many constructive things, like buying academic materials or paying for tutoring. From the other hand, the benefits are mutual. I always help my mom with some chores, especially when she gets exhausted after work, doing some cleaning, laundry and cooking. And my grandma is another person who would like me to live at home, cause I’m a wonderful company. I always read to her and take her out for walks.


  Policy: 希望学校在dining hall的外面添加几张桌子




  R1:拥挤的问题只是暂时的,因为在近期,一个新的dining hall即将施工。之后大家就可以使用两个dining hall,不需要担心拥挤的问题。


  托福口语真题分析:这是一道明显涉及校园内环境、设施整修或者升级的题目,描述某一空间的好坏、特点、对在校学生或者教职工的影响也是必不可少的。根据题目的主要信息,可以考虑的表达为to place some extra desks outside the dining hall; to offer more seats for students; way to jammed; a nice place for students to take a break; a temporary problem; once the new dining hall is built...; that area is not as quite as the guy thinks it is…。


  术语及定义:echolocation – Animals’ behaviors of emitting calls out to the environment and listening to the echoes of those calls that return from various objects near them.


  考虑使用的表达包括animals use these echoes to locate and identify the objects; …is used for navigation and for foraging (or hunting) in various environments; judging from the echoes, the bats can decide what the approaching things are…。





  托福口语真题分析:T5需要考生稳准狠地做出决定,并且快速判断出该题的选项主要涉及的方面,是主要纠结金钱呢,人情呢,还是考试成绩。比如说这道题目明显没有涉及金钱,更多的是在考试成绩、时间安排,坑不坑队友方面的。考虑的表达包括it is quite troublesome for her to get back to the dorm to fetch the handout; with her friend’s car, she can get back there more efficiently; giving the presentation without the handout will also do; one presentation backed by all the research results sorted out by the woman would surely be better。



  听力具体内容:第一种是及时的答复或者反馈。例子为在画画的课堂上,如果老师能够在纠正学生的作画技巧的时候,当堂给出指导,效果比较好 With prompt response/feedback/instruction, the students can acquire the techniques and get them practiced right on the spot。第二种特点是着重提出提升学生个人水平的方案,而不是针对某一个学生本身进行批评 it would be wiser for a teacher to offer effective ways to solve problems instead of criticizing or judging a certain student who comes with problems.

  托福口语真题分析:教育类的题目还是相对频率较低,但是并不意味着各位考生在平时练习的时候可以忽视这一板块的表达积累和练习,比如说to boost students’ interests for; to grab their attention by doing; what a teacher should bring to his or her students are effective learning approaches; teachers’ ways of delivering information or knowledge affect how well students can retain the theoretical points…等等。

