couch potato 是花大量时间看电视的人,形容这人比较懒惰
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couch potato 是花大量时间看电视的人,形容这人比较懒惰
把本文分享到朋友圈或者推荐给好友吧!免费给你改口语。the more you share this service, the more free service you will get.。凭着一腔热血给大家提供高逼格的服务,只希望帮到更多的人。
University of Southern Maine
Perkiomen School
Remington College-Little Rock
Greater Atlanta Christian School
Waterford Institute of Technology
Sandhills Community College
Geneva College
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Bedford High School
St Ives Park Primary School
San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco)
Balajurra Senior High School
Marryatville High School
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
University of Prince Edward Island
University of South Carolina Upstate
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lake Catholic High School