TOEFL TPO口语第10套Question2答题技巧及模版

2022-05-24 14:43:16

  TPO (TOEFL Practice Online) 是美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)专为参加TOEFL TPO口语第10套Question2答题技巧及模版


  All children should be required to learn a second language in school.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use details and examples to explain your answer.


  (1)specifically express your stand.

  (2)ideally include 2 reasons for your preference.


  (1) Agree

  1) Learning a second language opens doors. Advantages in job seeking. Easier to learn at a younger age

  2) Make more friends. Learn about a culture other than one's own is fascinating.

  (2) Disagree

  1) Children are already under a lot of burden. Parents should not force them to be trained in everything.

  2) Language can be learned later in life. No rush


  (1) Well,in my opinion , I definitely think it is better to...

  (2) There are a couple of reasons for my preference.

  (3) First, …

  (4) Second, …  


