
2022-05-31 13:26:08



  Task 1: Which of the following kinds of movie do you dislike the most? Action movie, romance movie and science fiction movie. Explain your answer in details.


  The kind of movie I don't like much are action movies. First, I find them noisy and meaningless. My little brother is really into action movies, he watches them all the time in the house, with the volume turned all the way up! When He does, I can’t concentrate on my work. All I can hear is people shouting and guns going off. Second, they get too violent for my taste. I don’t mind Kung-Fu Movies from the 80s’, some of them are actually very well made. Today’s action movies are bloody and filled with unnecessary gore. I just don’t find it that entertaining seeing people got blown to pieces.

  Task 2: Some people prefer to watch news everyday, others prefer to watch news once in while. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.


  I prefer to watch news once in a while for the following reasons. First, It’s very stressful to listen to news on radio or watch it on TV. As the old saying goes, no news is good news. Most of the events on news are very negative. All they talk about are social problems, natural disasters, political issues and international conflicts. I get such a headache listening to these reports. Second, news on TV is very repetitive. They keep playing the same event in a loop with minimum development which I think is boring. I’d rather only watch it for half and hour every week. I’ve been doing this for years and I’ve never missed anything important.

