
2022-06-07 10:18:17

  Task 1

  1.What quality do you think is the most important for a university student? Self-motivation, hard-working, or intelligence?

  2.Many college students will get homesick when they go away to college.What do you think college students shoulddo to reduce homesickness? Explain why? Include specific reasons and examples in your response.

  3.What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music.

  Task 2

  1.Do you agree or disagree with the statement: artists and musicians areimportant to our society.

  2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should spend money on some projects toencourage citizens to lead healthier lifestyles. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

  3.Some people prefer to collect old things such as newspaper. Other people prefer to drop them. Which do you preferand why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

  Task 3

  1.【个人倡议】一学生建议关闭coffee house. 因为这个地方很少有人来不是一个聚会的好地方并且灯光很差不适宜学习。【学生态度】女生和男生讨论反对这建议:理由1:很多学生白天有课,但晚上有时间经常在coffee house 聚会,hang out or do some reading.理由 2:after renovation, 这个地方灯光变好,每张桌子上灯光很足。

  2.【个人倡议】:一个学生给校报写倡议书,说学校应在期末考试复习期间cancel 掉在宿舍(dormitory)旁办的the comedy show.理由1、comedy show will bring too much noise, disturb students preparing for final exam.the 理由 2、因为大部分字生都会来看这个comedy show,所以学校的shuttle bus service will be suspended on that night. This is inconvenient.

  【学生态度】女生反对。:理由 1:如果嫌寝室太吵,students can go to other classroom like library to study, which is pretty quiet,是perfect place;理由2, the campus is quite small, it takes only half an hour to walk from one side to another side,校车根本就不是必要的,besides, the comedy show only takes a couple of hours; it s no big deal. 问题:转述女生对这个针划的态度和她持该态度的两个理由

  3.【个人倡议】:一个学生写倡议书提议学校应该邀请一个学生组织的jazz band 每天在afternoon 在学校的草坪上on the open lawn 在举行免费concert,给下午课间休息的同学提供relaxation。【学生态度】:女生反对此提议。理由 1、(weixin:laoxikou)她认为afternoon is not the best time,应改到晚上举行,因为大家白天都有课或读书,开音乐会产生的noise will disturb others。evening 听音乐会感觉will feel relaxed.理由2、她认为音乐会应该在indoor will be better,因为在lawn 上开音乐会,太多人上lawn 上走,花花草草grass 会被踩死,最后草坪就变成全是泥mud 了。

  Task 4

  1.【名词解释】:记忆心理学。轨迹法(method of loci)。借助轨迹法按顺序image记忆东西的方法。选的东西要vivid,更好记。【教授举例】:教授举了个记names of planets 的例子。记names of planets 时可把每一个行星的名字当作一个去 student center 路上的标志去记忆:比如你要 from your dorm to student center. The first thing you see is the front door, then the tree, then the status in front of library then the building。再一一对应,比如to memorize names of planets in solar system, make Mercury as front door, Venus as tree etc。当考试时你就do the same thing,用这些door, tree 帮助自己回忆起names。

  2.【名词解释】behavior exposure(暴露疗法):kids 可能因为担心(concerning about)

  negative consequence 而fear to do something new.鼓励他们try new things gradually 让他们意识到positive consequence 他们就会overcome their fear with the new things

  【教授举例】 .教授举了自己11 岁儿子:Tommy 的例子.His family 刚moved to Los Angeles, some neighbor kids played outside(riding bicycles). He found that his son 趴在窗户上看外面邻居小孩在骑自行车并且wanted to join them but also feared to do so,然后教授就循序渐进鼓励儿子:他先是带儿子去买冰淇淋(He brought his son to a store to buy some icecream),之后鼓励儿子对骑自行车路过的小朋友打招呼说HI(Then he asked him to say hi to the neighbor kids when they are passing by them)。友善的小朋友也回复说Hi. On the way back, the professor recommended his son to compliment on neighbor kids bicycles.结果下一次遇到小朋友之后,After they returned home, his son asked the professor if he could go out to play with the neighbor kids.几天后,教授就听儿子说交到了好朋友。

  3.【名词解释】:anticipated emotion (预期情绪)Before making decisions, people will predict what would happen after the decision,然后根据这个估测决定自己是不是要做那件事。

  【教授举例】:教授举了1 个例子。教授once he want to attend his sister's birthday party so

  he decided to go shopping for the gift, when he went into store shopping. He found a very nice jacket and he wanted to buy it for himself. Actually, he has no enough money.就比较犹豫。If he spent the money on the jacket,就只能buy a smaller and cheaper gift for his sister.他predicted 如果他真的pay for the jacket, he would feel guilty for his sister,所以最后还是put back jacket。Put my sister in the first place he bought a very nice gift for his sister.

  Task 5

  1.【学生问题】女生的问题是:要做一个project about film class,今天要拍但是有雨,而且还有两天截至日期,两个解决方案:1)可以转向building 用这里的scenes。2)可能明天拍,因为明天weather becoming better, 但是问题是明天她需要编辑,并要完成这个project, 没有时间。

  2.【学生困难】女生要在校报上publish a paper about history of university 但editor 说她paper 写得too long to publish.

  【解决方案】女生自己说出她的adviser(可以理解为论文的指导老师)给她的两个方案:方案1.just print 文章的一部分,删掉一半cut off the paper to make it shorter 就能立即出版。但女生觉得她花了lots of work to write this paper,每个部分都很重要even included some interview in it,不愿意cut,只能把文章的形式弄成summary 了。方案2.发表(publish)到summer issue。女生担心效果不好,because not everybody attend to summer school and 朋友放假离开学校了,教授和朋友们都不太可能看到她的paper

  3.【学生困难】:男生在spring break 要去Spain 旅游,准备拍照,但是数码相机digital camera 丢了。

  【解决方案】:两个方案:女生说方案 1、再买个新的。缺点是:很贵,旅游还要花钱。男生说他没有enoughmoney。男生自己说方案2、问朋友jack 借一个。缺点是:怕弄坏broken 或弄丢stolen。转述女的困难和方案,你的建议及理由。

  Task 6

  1.【讲课要点】:biology class。深海鱼类fish can make electric current and theycan benefit from it in 2 ways:用途 1、用电流capture 小鱼,从而获得food。举例:eel can produce strong currency to shock and paralyze small fish,and then eat it。用途2、用电流自卫、逃避危险。

  2.【讲课要点】猴子 monkeys 常年栖息在树上,需获取水源来生存.获取水源有两祌方法:来源 1、食物: 食物里含有很多水分,absorb moisture from foods,所以他们无需再另外喝水.举例:hobe(一种猴子的名字,此拼写为回忆,屏幕上会出现) monkeys 以吃树叶为生,他们爱吃很嫩的树叶(tender leaves),嫩叶新鲜多汁,所以它们可以获取足够水分,不喝水也没有问题。来源 2、雨水:雨后,找到存留在树叶上的水洼,以补充水分,举例:spider monkeys 生活的地方有一种特殊plant,叶子呈杯子cup-shaped leaves,雨后,这种叶子上会有很多积水,猴子可以用这种叶子作容器接水喝。

  3.【讲座主题】Animals that hatch from eggs 会在蛋壳里的时候就会制造出一些声音来communicate that they are ready to hatch.

  【相关例子】第一个目的:当有很多eggs 的时候,it is very important that 这些eggs 在同一个时间被hatch 出来,而不会出现hatch 晚的baby 被妈妈遗弃了。比如ducks,一个duck 要hatch 了,就会发出clicking noise,其他的ducks 也会发出同样声音,告诉妈妈我们都要出来了,别把我们忘了的意思。第二个目的是让妈妈帮助自己成功地破壳出来。比如crocodile,他的eggs 是埋在mud 里的, baby crocodile 要破壳出来的时候,就会scratch the inside of the shell 告诉妈妈,然后鳄鱼妈妈就会把mud remove 掉,否则baby crocodile 出不来。
